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WORK IN PROGRESS. We weren't able to get the game to a playable state before the end of Global Game Jam, but we'll try to follow up and finish it soon. Not much to see until then.

You've awoken on a mysterious malfunctioning spaceship. With the help of your glitchy Companion Device, you must repair the ship before it explodes.

NOTE: Trek Support is best enjoyed with a partner running their own copy of the game. For an extra challenge, see if you can win without looking at each other's screens!

Cart #treksupport-2 | 2020-02-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Trek Support is a work in progress for Global Game Jam 2020, with the theme of Repair.

Team members: Ryan Saul, Andrew Grewell, and Pete Soloway

What do you do in here ?

This version was uploaded as a placeholder in case of server troubles at the end of Global Game Jam. A new version will be added soon.

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