-- Prepare globals
local g_ENV, my_ENV, globfuncs = _ENV, {}, {}
for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do
my_ENV[k] = v
if (type(v) == "function") globfuncs[k] = true
local _ENV = my_ENV -- with this, we segregate ourselves from the running code (all global accesses below use _ENV automagically)
g_enable_repl, g_last_value = true
-- Utils
-- is ch inside str? (if so, returns index)
function isoneof(ch, str)
for i=1,#str do
if (str[i] == ch) return i
-- Tokenize
-- escape sequences in strings (e.g. \n -> new line)
local esc_keys, esc_values = split "a,b,f,n,r,t,v,\\,\",',\n,*,#,-,|,+,^", split "\a,\b,\f,\n,\r,\t,\v,\\,\",',\n,\*,\#,\-,\|,\+,\^"
local escapes = {}
for i=1,#esc_keys do escapes[esc_keys[i]] = esc_values[i] end
-- is ch a digit char?
function isdigit(ch)
return ch and ch >= '0' and ch <= '9'
-- is ch a valid identifier char?
function isalnum(ch)
return ch and (ch >= 'A' and ch <= 'Z' or ch >= 'a' and ch <= 'z' or isoneof(ch, '_\x1e\x1f') or ch >= '\x80' or isdigit(ch))
-- extarct string value from quoted string
-- returns value, end index
function dequote(str, i, strlen, quote, fail)
local rawstr = ''
while i <= strlen do
local ch = str[i]
if (ch == quote) break
if ch == '\\' then -- handle escape sequences
i += 1
local esch = str[i]
ch = escapes[esch] -- handle normal escapes
-- hex escape (e.g. \xff)
if esch == 'x' then
esch = tonum('0x'..sub(str,i+1,i+2))
if (esch) i += 2 else fail "bad hex escape"
ch = chr(esch)
-- decimal escape (e.g. \014)
elseif isdigit(esch) then
local start = i
while isdigit(esch) and i < start + 3 do i += 1; esch = str[i] end
i -= 1
esch = tonum(sub(str,start,i))
if (not esch or esch >= 256) fail "bad decimal escape"
ch = chr(esch)
-- ignore subsequent whitespace
elseif esch == 'z' then
repeat i += 1; esch = str[i] until not isoneof(esch, ' \r\t\f\v\n')
if (not esch) fail()
ch = ''
i -= 1
elseif not esch then fail() ch='' end
if (not ch) fail("bad escape: " .. esch) ch=''
elseif ch == '\n' then
fail "unterminated string"
rawstr ..= ch
i += 1
if (i > strlen) fail("unterminated string", true)
return rawstr, i+1
-- extracts string value from long bracketed string (e.g. [[string]])
-- returns value, end index
function delongbracket(str, i, strlen, fail)
if str[i] == '[' then
i += 1
local eq_start = i
while (str[i] == '=') i += 1
local end_delim = ']' .. sub(str,eq_start,i-1) .. ']'
local j = #end_delim
if str[i] == '[' then
i += 1
if (str[i] == '\n') i += 1
local start = i
while (i <= strlen and sub(str,i,i+j-1) != end_delim) i += 1
if (i >= strlen) fail()
return sub(str,start,i-1), i+j
return nil, i
-- converts a string into tokens.
-- if strict is set, errors are thrown if invalid, and comments are ignored
-- returns:
-- array of tokens
-- array of the line each token is found at (for if/while shorthand parsing only)
-- array of token start indices
-- array of token end indices
-- A token is:
-- false for invalid
-- true for comment (unless strict)
-- number for numeric literal
-- string for identifier, keyword, or punctuation
-- table for string literal (table contains a single string at position [1])
function tokenize(str, strict)
local i, line, start = 1, 1
local tokens, tlines, tstarts, tends, err = {}, {}, {}, {}
local function fail(v, ok)
if (strict) on_compile_fail(v, start)
err = v and not ok
-- we support unindexable huge strings up to 64KB (at least as long as pico8 can handle them)
-- we do this via the below hacks (though it doesn't handle huge tokens over 16KB...)
local strlen = #str >= 0 and #str or 0x7fff
while i <= strlen do
if (i >= 0x4001 and strlen >= 0x7fff) str = sub(str, 0x4001); i -= 0x4000; strlen = #str >= 0 and #str or 0x7fff
start = i
local ch = str[i]
local ws, token
-- whitespace
if isoneof(ch, ' \r\t\f\v\n') then
i += 1; ws = true
if (ch == '\n') line += 1
-- comment
elseif isoneof(ch, '-/') and str[i+1] == ch then
i += 2
if (ch == '-' and str[i] == '[') token, i = delongbracket(str, i, strlen, fail)
if not token then
while (i <= strlen and str[i] != '\n') i += 1
if (strict) ws = true else add(tokens, true)
-- number
elseif isdigit(ch) or (ch == '.' and isdigit(str[i+1])) then
local digits, dot = "0123456789", true
-- hex. number (0x...)
if ch == '0' and isoneof(str[i+1], 'xX') then digits ..= "AaBbCcDdEeFf"; i += 2
-- binary number (0b...)
elseif ch == '0' and isoneof(str[i+1], 'bB') then digits = "01"; i += 2
while true do
ch = str[i]
if ch == '.' and dot then dot = false
elseif not isoneof(ch, digits) then break end
i += 1
token = sub(str,start,i-1)
if (not tonum(token)) fail "bad number"; token="0"
add(tokens, tonum(token))
-- identifier
elseif isalnum(ch) then
while isalnum(str[i]) do i += 1 end
add(tokens, sub(str,start,i-1))
-- string
elseif ch == "'" or ch == '"' then
token, i = dequote(str, i+1, strlen, ch, fail)
add(tokens, {token})
-- long-bracket string
elseif ch == '[' and isoneof(str[i+1], "=[") then
token, i = delongbracket(str, i, strlen, fail)
if (not token) fail "invalid long brackets"
add(tokens, {token})
-- punctuation
i += 1
local ch2,ch3,ch4 = unpack(split(sub(str,i,i+2),""))
if ch2 == ch and ch3 == ch and isoneof(ch,'.>') then
i += 2
if (ch4 == "=" and isoneof(ch,'>')) i += 1
elseif ch2 == ch and ch3 != ch and isoneof(ch,'<>') and isoneof(ch3,'<>') then
i += 2
if (ch4 == "=") i += 1
elseif ch2 == ch and isoneof(ch,'.:^<>') then
i += 1
if (ch3 == "=" and isoneof(ch,'.^<>')) i += 1
elseif ch2 == '=' and isoneof(ch,'+-*/\\%^&|<>=~!') then i += 1
elseif isoneof(ch,'+-*/\\%^&|<>=~#(){}[];,?@$.:') then
else fail("bad char: " .. ch) end
add(tokens, sub(str,start,i-1))
if (not ws) add(tlines, line); add(tstarts, start); add(tends, i-1)
if (err) tokens[#tokens], err = false, false
return tokens, tlines, tstarts, tends
-- More Utils
-- is obj inside table?
function isin(obj, tab)
for i=1,#tab do
if (tab[i] == obj) return i
-- similar to unpack, except depack(pack(...)) is always ...
function depack(t)
return unpack(t,1,t.n) -- (unpack defaults to t,1,#t instead)
-- copy a table
function copy(t)
local ct = {}
for k, v in next, t do ct[k] = v end
return ct
-- Parse & Eval
-- General information:
-- As we parse lua's grammar, we build nodes, which are merely
-- functions that take e (an environment) as the first arg.
-- Parent nodes call their children nodes, thus forming a sort of tree.
-- An environment (e) is an array of scope tables
-- the scope table at index 0 contains top-level upvalues like _ENV
-- other scope tables contain locals defined within a local statement (*)
-- Thus, upvalues and locals are accessed the same way
-- Expression (expr) parsing returns a (node, setnode, tailcallnode) tuple.
-- node returns the expression's value
-- setnode returns a tuple of the table and key to use for the assignment (**)
-- tailcallnode returns a tuple of the function and args to use for a tail-call
-- setnode and/or tailcallnode are nil if assignment/call is not available
-- Note that functions called from within parse_expr instead return a
-- (node, is_prefix, setnode, tailcallnode) tuple, where is_prefix
-- says whether the node can be used as a prefix for calls/etc.
-- Statement (stmt) parsing returns a (node, is_end) tuple
-- node returns either:
-- nil to continue execution
-- true to break from loop
-- (0, label object) to goto the label object
-- table to return its depack() from the function
-- function to tail-call it as we return from the function
-- node may also be nil for empty statements
-- is_end is true if the statement must end the block
-- (*) We create a table per local statement, instead of per block
-- because by using goto, you can execute a local statement multiple
-- times without leaving a block, each time resulting in a different
-- local (that can be independently captured)
-- (**) It would be much simpler for setnode to do the assignment itself,
-- but it would prevent us from mimicking lua's observable left-to-right
-- evaluation behaviour, where the assignment targets are evaluated
-- before the assignment values.
-- On that note, we generally mimic lua's observable left-to-right evaluation
-- behaviour, except that we do true left-to-right evaluation, while lua
-- usually evaluates locals (only!) right before the operation that uses them.
-- This difference can be observed if the local is captured by a closure,
-- e.g: local a=1; print(a + (function() a = 3; return 0 end)())
-- anyway:
-- identifiers to treat as keywords instead
local keywords = split "and,break,do,else,elseif,end,false,for,function,goto,if,in,local,nil,not,or,repeat,return,then,true,until,while"
keyword_map = {}
for kw in all(keywords) do keyword_map[kw] = true end
-- is token an assign op (e.g. +=)?
local function is_op_assign(token)
return type(token) == "string" and token[-1] == '='
-- tokens that terminate a block
end_tokens = split 'end,else,elseif,until'
-- parses a string, returning a function
-- that receives a global environment (e.g. _ENV) and executes the code
function parse(str )
-- tokenize the string first
local tokens, tlines, tstarts = tokenize(str, true)
-- ti: the token index we're at
-- e_len: how many environments deep we are
-- depth: how many blocks deep we are
local ti, e_len, depth, func_e_len, loop_depth, func_depth = 1, 0, 0 , 0
local parse_expr, parse_block
-- gotos: array of functions to evaluate in order to finalize gotos
-- locals: maps names of locals to the environment array index where
-- they're defined
-- labels: maps names of labels to label objects
-- both locals and labels use a metatable to simulate a sort-of stack
-- where pushed maps inherit from all previous maps in the stack and
-- can be easily popped.
-- endcb: specifies when to stop shorthand parsing
local gotos, locals, labels, endcb = {}
local function fail(err)
on_compile_fail(err, tstarts[ti-1] or 1)
-- return a node that returns a constant
local function const_node(value)
return function() return value end
-- return a node that returns the value of a variable
local function var_node(name)
local e_i = locals[name]
if e_i then return function(e) return e[e_i][name] end -- local/upvalue
else e_i = locals._ENV return function(e) return e[e_i]._ENV[name] end -- global
-- return a node that returns the values of the vararg arguments
-- of the current function.
local function vararg_node()
local e_i = locals['...']
if (not e_i or e_i != func_e_len) fail "unexpected '...'"
return function(e) return depack(e[e_i]["..."]) end
-- return a setnode that allows assigning to the value of a variable
local function assign_node(name)
local e_i = locals[name]
if e_i then return function(e) return e[e_i], name end -- local/upvalue
else e_i = locals._ENV return function(e) return e[e_i]._ENV, name end -- global
-- consume the next token, requiring it to be 'expect'
local function require(expect)
local token = tokens[ti]; ti += 1
if (token == expect) return
if (token == nil) fail()
fail("expected: " .. expect)
-- consume the next token, requiring it to be an identifier
-- returns the identifier
local function require_ident(token)
if (not token) token = tokens[ti]; ti += 1
if (token == nil) fail()
if (type(token) == 'string' and isalnum(token[1]) and not keyword_map[token]) return token
if (type(token) == 'string') fail("invalid identifier: " .. token)
fail "identifier expected"
-- if the next token is 'expect', consumes it and returns true
local function accept(expect)
if (tokens[ti] == expect) ti += 1; return true
-- return whether we're at the end of a statement
local function at_stmt_end()
return isin(tokens[ti], end_tokens) or (endcb and endcb(ti))
-- push a new locals map to the locals 'stack'
local function push_locals()
locals = setmetatable({}, {__index=locals})
e_len += 1
-- pop a locals map from the 'stack'
local function pop_locals()
locals = getmetatable(locals).__index
e_len -= 1
-- evaluate an array of nodes, returning a pack of results
-- the last node in the array may return an arbitrary number of results,
-- all of which are packed.
local function eval_nodes(e, nodes)
local results = {}
local n = #nodes
for i=1,n-1 do
results[i] = nodes[i](e)
if n > 0 then
local values = pack(nodes[n](e))
if values.n != 1 then
for i=1,values.n do
results[n + i - 1] = values[i]
n += values.n - 1
results[n] = values[1]
results.n = n
return results
-- parses a comma-separated list of elements, each parsed via 'parser'
local function parse_list(parser)
local list = {}
add(list, (parser()))
while accept ',' do
add(list, (parser()))
return list
-- parse a call expression
-- node : call target node
-- method : method to call for method call expression (e.g. a:b())
-- arg : single argument node (e.g. for a"b" and a{b})
-- returns (node, is_prefix (true), setnode (nil), tailcallnode)
local function parse_call(node, method, arg)
-- parse the arguments
local args = {}
if arg then
add(args, arg)
elseif not accept ')' then
while true do
add(args, (parse_expr()))
if (accept ')') break
require ','
if method then
return function(e)
-- call method
local obj = node(e)
return obj[method](obj, depack(eval_nodes(e, args)))
end, true, nil, function(e)
-- return ingredients for a method tail-call
local obj = node(e)
return obj[method], pack(obj, depack(eval_nodes(e, args)))
return function(e)
-- call function
return node(e)(depack(eval_nodes(e, args)))
end, true, nil, function(e)
-- return ingredients for a function tail-call
return node(e), eval_nodes(e, args)
-- parse a table construction expression (e.g. {1,2,3})
local function parse_table()
-- key/value nodes
local keys, values = {}, {}
-- splat_i : either #keys if the last item in the table is array-style
-- (and thus may fill multiple array values), or nil otherwise
local index, splat_i = 1
while not accept '}' do
splat_i = nil
local key, value
-- e.g. [a]=b
if accept '[' then
key = parse_expr(); require ']'; require '='; value = parse_expr()
-- e.g. a=b
elseif tokens[ti+1] == '=' then
key = const_node(require_ident()); require '='; value = parse_expr()
-- e.g. b
key = const_node(index); value = parse_expr(); index += 1; splat_i = #keys + 1
add(keys, key); add(values, value)
if (accept '}') break
if (not accept ';') require ','
return function(e)
-- constuct table
-- note: exact behaviour of # may differ from natively created tables
local table = {}
for i=1,#keys do
if i == splat_i then
-- set multiple table elements (e.g. {f()})
local key, value = keys[i](e), pack(values[i](e))
for j=1,value.n do
table[key + j - 1] = value[j]
-- set table element
table[keys[i](e)] = values[i](e)
return table
-- parse a function expression or statement
-- is_stmt : true if statement
-- is_local: true if local function statement
local function parse_function(is_stmt, is_local)
-- has_self : function has implicit self arg
-- setnode : for statements, how to assign the function to a variable
local name, has_self, setnode
if is_stmt then
if is_local then
-- local function statement
name = require_ident()
locals[name] = e_len
setnode = assign_node(name)
-- function statement
name = {require_ident()}
-- function name may include multiple .-seprated parts
while (accept '.') add(name, require_ident())
-- and may include a final :-separated part
if (accept ':') add(name, require_ident()); has_self = true
if #name == 1 then setnode = assign_node(name[1])
local node = var_node(name[1])
for i=2,#name-1 do
local node_i = node -- capture
node = function(e) return node_i(e)[name[i]] end
setnode = function(e) return node(e), name[#name] end
-- parse function params
local params, vararg = {}
if (has_self) add(params, 'self')
require "("
if not accept ')' then
while true do
if (accept '...') vararg = true; else add(params, require_ident())
if (accept ')') break
require ','
if (vararg) fail "unexpected param after '...'"
-- add function params as locals
for param in all(params) do locals[param] = e_len end
if (vararg) locals['...'] = e_len
-- parse function's body
local old_gotos, old_depth, old_e_len = gotos, func_depth, func_e_len
gotos, func_depth, func_e_len = {}, depth + 1, e_len
local body = parse_block()
for g in all(gotos) do g() end -- handle gotos
gotos, func_depth, func_e_len = old_gotos, old_depth, old_e_len
require 'end'
return function(e)
if (is_local) add(e, {})
-- create the function's environment
-- note: this is a shallow copy of the environment array,
-- not of the tables within.
local func_e = copy(e)
local expected_e_len = #func_e
-- this is the actual function created
local func = function(...)
local args = pack(...) -- pack args
-- normally, when a function exits, its environment
-- ends up the same as it started, so it can be reused
-- however, if the function didn't exit yet (e.g. recursion)
-- we create a copy of the environment to use for this call
local my_e = func_e
if #my_e != expected_e_len then
local new_e = {}
for i=0, expected_e_len do new_e[i] = my_e[i] end
my_e = new_e
-- add scope for params
local scope = {}
for i=1,#params do scope[params[i]] = args[i] end
if (vararg) scope['...'] = pack(unpack(args, #params+1, args.n))
-- evaluate function body
add(my_e, scope)
local retval = body(my_e)
-- return function result
if retval then
if (type(retval) == "table") return depack(retval) -- return
return retval() -- tailcall
-- assign or return the function
if (is_stmt) local d,k = setnode(e); d[k] = func else return func
-- parse a core expression, aka an expression without any suffixes
-- returns (node, is_prefix, setnode, tailcallnode)
local function parse_core()
local token = tokens[ti]; ti += 1
local arg
if (token == nil) fail()
-- nil constant
if (token == "nil") return const_node()
-- true constant
if (token == "true") return const_node(true)
-- false constant
if (token == "false") return const_node(false)
-- number constant
if (type(token) == "number") return const_node(token)
-- string constant
if (type(token) == "table") return const_node(token[1])
-- table
if (token == "{") return parse_table()
-- parentheses (this is NOT an no-op, unlike in most
-- languages - as it forces the expression to return 1 result)
if (token == "(") arg = parse_expr(); require ')'; return function(e) return (arg(e)) end, true
-- unary ops
if (token == "-") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return -arg(e) end
if (token == "~") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return ~arg(e) end
if (token == "not") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return not arg(e) end
if (token == "#") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return #arg(e) end
if (token == "@") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return @arg(e) end
if (token == "%") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return %arg(e) end
if (token == "$") arg = parse_expr(11); return function(e) return $arg(e) end
-- function creation
if (token == 'function') return parse_function()
-- vararg
if (token == "...") return vararg_node()
-- special repl-specific commands
if (token == "\\") arg = require_ident() return function() return cmd_exec(arg) end, true, function() return cmd_assign(arg) end
-- identifiers
if (require_ident(token)) return var_node(token), true, assign_node(token)
fail("unexpected token: " .. token)
-- parse a binary operation expression
-- the extra 'v' argument is used only by op-assignment statements
local function parse_binary_op(token, prec, left, right_expr)
local right
if (token == "^" and prec <= 12) right = right_expr(12); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) ^ right(e) end
if (token == "*" and prec < 10) right = right_expr(10); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) * right(e) end
if (token == "/" and prec < 10) right = right_expr(10); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) / right(e) end
if (token == "\\" and prec < 10) right = right_expr(10); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) \ right(e) end
if (token == "%" and prec < 10) right = right_expr(10); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) % right(e) end
if (token == "+" and prec < 9) right = right_expr(9); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) + right(e) end
if (token == "-" and prec < 9) right = right_expr(9); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) - right(e) end
if (token == ".." and prec <= 8) right = right_expr(8); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) .. right(e) end
if (token == "<<" and prec < 7) right = right_expr(7); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) << right(e) end
if (token == ">>" and prec < 7) right = right_expr(7); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) >> right(e) end
if (token == ">>>" and prec < 7) right = right_expr(7); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) >>> right(e) end
if (token == "<<>" and prec < 7) right = right_expr(7); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) <<> right(e) end
if (token == ">><" and prec < 7) right = right_expr(7); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) >>< right(e) end
if (token == "&" and prec < 6) right = right_expr(6); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) & right(e) end
if ((token == "^^" or token == "~") and prec < 5) right = right_expr(5); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) ^^ right(e) end
if (token == "|" and prec < 4) right = right_expr(4); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) | right(e) end
if (token == "<" and prec < 3) right = right_expr(3); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) < right(e) end
if (token == ">" and prec < 3) right = right_expr(3); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) > right(e) end
if (token == "<=" and prec < 3) right = right_expr(3); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) <= right(e) end
if (token == ">=" and prec < 3) right = right_expr(3); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) >= right(e) end
if (token == "==" and prec < 3) right = right_expr(3); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) == right(e) end
if ((token == "~=" or token == "!=") and prec < 3) right = right_expr(3); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) ~= right(e) end
if (token == "and" and prec < 2) right = right_expr(2); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) and right(e) end
if (token == "or" and prec < 1) right = right_expr(1); return function(e,v) return left(e,v) or right(e) end
-- given an expression, parses a suffix for this expression, if possible
-- prec : precedence to not go beyond when parsing
-- isprefix : true to allow calls/etc. (lua disallows it for certain
-- expression unless parentheses are used, not sure why)
-- returns (node, is_prefix, setnode, tailcallnode)
local function parse_expr_more(prec, left, isprefix)
local token = tokens[ti]; ti += 1
local right, arg
if isprefix then
-- table index by name
if (token == '.') right = require_ident(); return function(e) return left(e)[right] end, true, function(e) return left(e), right end
-- table index
if (token == '[') right = parse_expr(); require ']'; return function(e) return left(e)[right(e)] end, true, function(e) return left(e), right(e) end
-- call
if (token == "(") return parse_call(left)
-- call with table or string argument
if (token == "{" or type(token) == "table") ti -= 1; arg = parse_core(); return parse_call(left, nil, arg)
-- method call
if token == ":" then
right = require_ident();
-- ... with table or string argument
if (tokens[ti] == "{" or type(tokens[ti]) == "table") arg = parse_core(); return parse_call(left, right, arg)
require '('; return parse_call(left, right)
-- binary op
local node = parse_binary_op(token, prec, left, parse_expr)
if (not node) ti -= 1
return node
-- parse an arbitrary expression
-- prec : precedence to not go beyond when parsing
-- returns (node, setnode, tailcallnode)
parse_expr = function(prec)
local node, isprefix, setnode, callnode = parse_core()
while true do
local newnode, newisprefix, newsetnode, newcallnode = parse_expr_more(prec or 0, node, isprefix)
if (not newnode) break
node, isprefix, setnode, callnode = newnode, newisprefix, newsetnode, newcallnode
return node, setnode, callnode
-- parse an assignment expression, returning its setnode
local function parse_assign_expr()
local _, assign_expr = parse_expr()
if (not assign_expr) fail "cannot assign to value"
return assign_expr
-- parse assignment statement
local function parse_assign()
local targets = parse_list(parse_assign_expr)
require "="
local sources = parse_list(parse_expr)
if #targets == 1 and #sources == 1 then return function(e)
-- single assignment (for performance)
local d,k = targets[1](e); d[k] = sources[1](e)
end else return function(e)
-- multiple assignment (e.g. a,b=c,d)
local dests, keys = {}, {}
for i=1,#targets do local d,k = targets[i](e); add(dests,d) add(keys,k) end
local values = eval_nodes(e, sources)
-- assign from last to first, per observable lua behaviour
for i=#targets,1,-1 do dests[i][keys[i]] = values[i] end
end end
-- parse op-assignment statement (e.g. +=)
-- receives the setnode of the assignment target, and uses it to both get and set the value
-- (this is to ensure the node is evaluated only once)
local function parse_op_assign(setnode)
local token = tokens[ti]; ti += 1
local op = sub(token,1,-2)
local node = function(e, v) return v end -- parse_binary_op propagates the value as an extra arg to us
local op_node = parse_binary_op(op, 0, node, function() return parse_expr() end) -- ignore precedence
if (not op_node) fail "invalid compound assignment"
return function(e) local d,k = setnode(e); d[k] = op_node(e, d[k]) end
-- parse local statement
local function parse_local()
if accept 'function' then
-- local function statement
return parse_function(true, true)
local targets = parse_list(require_ident)
local sources = accept '=' and parse_list(parse_expr) or {}
for i=1,#targets do locals[targets[i]] = e_len end
if #targets == 1 and #sources == 1 then return function(e)
-- single local (for performance)
add(e, {[targets[1]] = sources[1](e)})
end else return function(e)
-- multiple locals
local scope = {}
local values = eval_nodes(e, sources)
for i=1,#targets do scope[targets[i]] = values[i] end
add(e, scope)
end end
-- start if/while shorthand parsing
-- allows terminating the parsing of a block at the end of the line
local function start_shorthand(allowed)
local line = tlines[ti - 1]
local prev_endcb = endcb
endcb = function(i) return line != tlines[i] end
if (not allowed or endcb(ti)) fail(ti <= #tokens and "unterminated shorthand" or nil)
return prev_endcb
-- end shorthand parsing, and verify we haven't exceeded the line
local function end_shorthand(prev_endcb)
if (endcb(ti-1)) fail("unterminated shorthand")
endcb = prev_endcb
-- parse an 'if' statement
local function parse_ifstmt()
local short = tokens[ti] == '('
local cond = parse_expr()
local then_b, else_b
if accept 'then' then
-- normal if statement
then_b, else_b = parse_block()
if accept 'else' then else_b = parse_block(); require "end" -- else
elseif accept 'elseif' then else_b = parse_ifstmt() -- elseif
else require "end" end
-- shorthand if
local prev = start_shorthand(short)
then_b = parse_block()
if (not endcb(ti) and accept 'else') else_b = parse_block() -- shorhand if/else
return function(e)
-- execute the if
if cond(e) then return then_b(e)
elseif else_b then return else_b(e)
-- parse a loop block, updating loop_depth (for break purposes)
local function parse_loop_block(...)
local old_depth = loop_depth
loop_depth = depth + 1
local result = parse_block(...)
loop_depth = old_depth
return result
-- if retval denotes a break, do not propagate it further
-- useful when returning from loop blocks
local function handle_break(retval, label)
if (retval == true) return -- break
return retval, label
-- parse a 'while' block
local function parse_while()
local short = tokens[ti] == '('
local cond = parse_expr()
local body
if accept 'do' then
-- normal while statement
body = parse_loop_block()
require 'end'
-- shorthand while statement
local prev = start_shorthand(short)
body = parse_loop_block()
return function(e)
-- execute the while
while cond(e) do
if (stat(1)>=1) yield_execute()
local retval, label = body(e)
if (retval) return handle_break(retval, label)
-- parse a repeat/until statement
local function parse_repeat()
-- note that the until part can reference
-- locals declared inside the repeat body, thus
-- we pop the locals/scopes ourselves
local block_e_len = e_len
local body = parse_loop_block(true)
require 'until'
local cond = parse_expr()
while (e_len > block_e_len) pop_locals()
return function(e)
-- execute the repeat/until
if (stat(1)>=1) yield_execute()
local retval, label = body(e)
if (not retval) label = cond(e) -- reuse label as the end cond
while (#e > block_e_len) deli(e) -- pop scopes ourselves
if (retval) return handle_break(retval, label)
until label -- actually the end cond
-- parse a 'for' statement
local function parse_for()
if tokens[ti + 1] == '=' then
-- numeric for statement
local varb = require_ident()
require '='
local min = parse_expr()
require ','
local max = parse_expr()
local step = accept ',' and parse_expr() or const_node(1)
require 'do'
-- push 'for' local, and parse the body
locals[varb] = e_len
local body = parse_loop_block()
require 'end'
return function(e)
-- execute the numeric 'for'
for i=min(e),max(e),step(e) do
if (stat(1)>=1) yield_execute()
add(e, {[varb]=i})
local retval, label = body(e)
if (retval) return handle_break(retval, label)
-- generic 'for' block
local targets = parse_list(require_ident)
require "in"
local sources = parse_list(parse_expr)
require 'do'
-- push 'for' locals, and parse the body
for target in all(targets) do locals[target] = e_len end
local body = parse_loop_block()
require 'end'
return function(e)
-- execute the generic 'for'
-- (must synthesize it ourselves, as a generic for's
-- number of vars is fixed)
local exps = eval_nodes(e, sources)
while true do
local scope = {}
local vars = {exps[1](exps[2], exps[3])}
if (vars[1] == nil) break
exps[3] = vars[1]
for i=1,#targets do scope[targets[i]] = vars[i] end
if (stat(1)>=1) yield_execute()
add(e, scope)
local retval, label = body(e)
if (retval) return handle_break(retval, label)
-- parse a break statement
local function parse_break()
if (not loop_depth or func_depth and loop_depth < func_depth) fail "break outside of loop"
return function() return true end
-- parse a return statement
-- N.B. lua actually allows return (and vararg) outside of functions.
-- this kinda completely breaks repuzzle, so the repl code in it disallows it.
local function parse_return()
if tokens[ti] == ';' or at_stmt_end() then
-- return no values (represented by us as an empty pack)
return function() return pack() end
local node, _, callnode = parse_expr()
local nodes = {node}
while (accept ',') add(nodes, (parse_expr()))
if #nodes == 1 and callnode and func_depth then
-- tail-call (aka jump into other function instead of returning)
return function(e) local func, args = callnode(e);
if (stat(1)>=1) yield_execute()
return function() return func(depack(args)) end
-- normal return
return function(e) return eval_nodes(e, nodes) end
-- parse label statement
local function parse_label(parent)
local label = require_ident()
require '::'
if (labels[label] and labels[label].depth == depth) fail "label already defined"
-- store label object
labels[label] = {e_len=e_len, depth=depth, block=parent, i=#parent}
-- parse goto statement
local function parse_goto()
local label = require_ident()
local labels_c, e_len_c, value = labels, e_len -- capture labels
-- the label may be defined after the goto, so process the goto
-- at function end
add(gotos, function ()
value = labels_c[label]
if (not value) fail "label not found"
if (func_depth and value.depth < func_depth) fail "goto outside of function"
-- goto cannot enter a scope
-- (empty statements at the end of a scope aren't considered a
-- part of the scope for this purpose)
local goto_e_len = labels_c[value.depth] or e_len_c
if (value.e_len > goto_e_len and value.i < #value.block) fail "goto past local"
return function()
if (stat(1)>=1) yield_execute()
return 0, value
-- parse any statement
local function parse_stmt(parent)
local token = tokens[ti]; ti += 1
-- empty semicolon
if (token == ';') return
-- do-end block
if (token == 'do') local node = parse_block(); require 'end'; return node
-- if
if (token == 'if') return parse_ifstmt()
-- while loop
if (token == 'while') return parse_while()
-- repeat/until loop
if (token == 'repeat') return parse_repeat()
-- for loop
if (token == 'for') return parse_for()
-- break
if (token == 'break') return parse_break()
-- return
if (token == 'return') return parse_return(), true
-- local
if (token == 'local') return parse_local()
-- goto
if (token == 'goto') return parse_goto()
-- label
if (token == '::') return parse_label(parent)
-- function
if (token == 'function' and tokens[ti] != '(') return parse_function(true)
-- print shorthand
if token == '?' then
local print_node, nodes = var_node 'print', parse_list(parse_expr);
return function (e) print_node(e)(depack(eval_nodes(e, nodes))) end
-- handle assignments and expressions
ti -= 1
local start = ti -- allow reparse
local node, setnode, callnode = parse_expr()
-- assignment
if accept ',' or accept '=' then
ti = start; return parse_assign()
-- op-assignment
elseif is_op_assign(tokens[ti]) then
return parse_op_assign(setnode)
-- repl-specific print of top-level expression
elseif depth <= 1 and g_enable_repl then
return function (e)
local results = pack(node(e))
if (not (callnode and results.n == 0)) add(g_results, results)
g_last_value = results[1]
-- regular expression statements (must be call)
if (not callnode) fail "statement has no effect"
return function(e) node(e) end
-- parse a block of statements
-- keep_locals: true to let the caller exit the block themselves
parse_block = function(keep_locals)
-- push a new labels map in the labels 'stack'
labels = setmetatable({}, {__index=labels})
labels[depth] = e_len
-- increase depth
depth += 1
local block_depth = depth
local block_e_len = keep_locals and 0x7fff or e_len
-- parse block statements
local block = {}
while ti <= #tokens and not at_stmt_end() do
local stmt, need_end = parse_stmt(block)
if (stmt) add(block, stmt)
if (need_end) accept ';'; break
-- pop any locals pushed inside the block
while (e_len > block_e_len) pop_locals()
depth -= 1
labels = getmetatable(labels).__index
return function (e)
-- execute the block's statements
local retval, label
local i,n = 1,#block
while i <= n do
retval, label = block[i](e)
if retval then
-- handle returns & breaks
if (type(retval) != "number") break
-- handle goto to parent block
if (label.depth != block_depth) break
-- handle goto to this block
i = label.i
while (#e > label.e_len) deli(e)
retval, label = nil
i += 1
while (#e > block_e_len) deli(e)
return retval, label
-- create top-level upvalues
locals = g_enable_repl and {_ENV=0, _env=0, _=0} or {_ENV=0}
locals['...'] = 0
-- parse top-level block
local root = parse_block()
if (ti <= #tokens) fail "unexpected end"
-- handle top-level gotos
for g in all(gotos) do g() end
return function(env, ...)
-- create top-level scope
local scope = g_enable_repl and {_ENV=env, _env=env, _=g_last_value} or {_ENV=env}
scope['...'] = pack(...)
-- execute
local retval = root{[0]=scope}
if (retval) return depack(retval)
-- Output
g_show_max_items, g_hex_output, g_precise_output = 10, false, false
-- reverse mapping of escapes
local unescapes = {["\0"]="000",["\014"]="014",["\015"]="015"}
for k, v in pairs(escapes) do
if (not isoneof(k, "'\n")) unescapes[v] = k
-- create quoted string from a string value
function requote(str)
local i = 1
while i <= #str do
local ch = str[i]
local nch = unescapes[ch]
if (nch) str = sub(str,1,i-1) .. '\\' .. nch .. sub(str,i+1); i += #nch
i += 1
return '"' .. str .. '"'
-- is 'key' representable as an identifier?
function is_identifier(key)
if (type(key) != 'string') return false
if (keyword_map[key]) return false
if (#key == 0 or isdigit(key[1])) return false
for i=1,#key do
if (not isalnum(key[i])) return false
return true
-- convert value as a string
-- (more featured than tostr)
function value_to_str(val, depth)
local ty = type(val)
-- nil
if (ty == 'nil') then
return 'nil'
-- boolean
elseif (ty == 'boolean') then
return val and 'true' or 'false'
-- number (optionally hex)
elseif (ty == 'number') then
if (not g_precise_output) return tostr(val, g_hex_output)
local str = tostr(val)
return tonum(str) == val and str or tostr(val,1)
-- string (with quotes)
elseif (ty == 'string') then
return requote(val)
-- table contents
elseif (ty == 'table' and not depth) then
local res = '{'
local i = 0
local prev = 0
-- avoid pairs, as it uses metamethods
for k,v in next, val do
if (i == g_show_max_items) res ..= ',<...>' break
if (i > 0) res ..= ','
local vstr = value_to_str(v,1)
if k == prev + 1 then res ..= vstr; prev = k
elseif is_identifier(k) then res ..= k .. '=' .. vstr
else res ..= '[' .. value_to_str(k,1) ..']=' .. vstr end
i += 1
return res .. '}'
-- other
return '<' .. tostr(ty) .. '>'
-- convert more results into a string
function results_to_str(str, results)
if (results == nil) return str -- no new results
if (not str) str = ''
local count = min(21,#results)
for ir=1, count do
if (#str > 0) str ..= '\n'
local result = results[ir]
if type(result) == 'table' then
local line = ''
for i=1,result.n do
if (#line > 0) line ..= ', '
line ..= value_to_str(result[i])
str ..= line
str ..= result
local new_results = {}
for i=count+1, #results do new_results[i - count] = results[i] end
return str, new_results
-- Console output
poke(0x5f2d,1) -- enable keyboard
g_prompt = "> " -- currently must be valid token!
g_input, g_input_lines, g_input_start = "", 1, 0
g_cursor_pos, g_cursor_time = 1, 20
--lint: g_str_output, g_error_output
g_history, g_history_i = {''}, 1
--lint: g_interrupt, g_notice, g_notice_time
g_abort = false
g_num_output_lines, g_line = 0, 1
g_enable_interrupt, g_enable_autoflip = true, true
g_pal = split "7,4,3,5,6,8,5,12,14,7,11,5"
-- override print for better output
g_ENV.print = function(value, ...)
if (pack(...).n != 0 or not g_enable_interrupt) return print(value, ...)
add(g_results, tostr(value))
-- suppress pause (e.g. from p, etc.)
function unpause()
-- an iterator over pressed keys
function get_keys()
return function()
if (stat(30)) return stat(31)
-- walk over a string, calling a callback on its chars
function walk_str(str, cb)
local i = 1
local x, y = 0, 0
if (not str) return i, x, y
while i <= #str do
local ch = str[i]
local spch = ch >= '\x80'
if (x >= (spch and 31 or 32)) y += 1; x = 0
if (cb) cb(i,ch,x,y)
if ch == '\n' then y += 1; x = 0
else x += (spch and 2 or 1) end
i += 1
return i, x, y
-- given string and index, return x,y at index
function str_i2xy(str, ci)
local cx, cy = 0, 0
local ei, ex, ey = walk_str(str, function(i,ch,x,y)
if (ci == i) cx, cy = x, y
if (ci >= ei) cx, cy = ex, ey
if (ex > 0) ey += 1
return cx, cy, ey
-- given string and x,y - return index at x,y
function str_xy2i(str, cx, cy)
local ci = 1
local found = false
local ei, ex, ey = walk_str(str, function(i,ch,x,y)
if (cy == y and cx == x and not found) ci = i; found = true
if ((cy < y or cy == y and cx < x) and not found) ci = i - 1; found = true
if (not found) ci = cy >= ey and ei or ei - 1
if (ex > 0) ey += 1
return ci, ey
-- print string at position, using color value or function
function str_print(str, xpos, ypos, color)
if type(color) == "function" then
walk_str(str, function(i,ch,x,y)
print(ch, xpos + x*4, ypos + y*6, color(i))
print(str and "\^rw" .. str, xpos, ypos, color)
-- print code, using syntax highlighting
function str_print_input(input, xpos, ypos)
local tokens, _, tstarts, tends = tokenize(input) -- tlines not reliable!
local ti = 1
str_print(input, xpos, ypos, function(i)
while ti <= #tends and tends[ti] < i do ti += 1 end
local token
if (ti <= #tends and tstarts[ti] <= i) token = tokens[ti]
local c = g_pal[5]
if token == false then c = g_pal[6] -- error
elseif token == true then c = g_pal[7] -- comment
elseif type(token) != 'string' or isin(token, {"nil","true","false"}) then c = g_pal[8]
elseif keyword_map[token] then c = g_pal[9]
elseif not isalnum(token[1]) then c = g_pal[10]
elseif globfuncs[token] then c = g_pal[11] end
return c
-- draw (messy...)
function _draw()
local old_color = peek(0x5f25)
local old_camx, old_camy = peek2(0x5f28), peek2(0x5f2a)
local function scroll(count)
for _=1,count do
if g_line < 21 then
g_line += 1
print ""
local function unscroll(count, minline)
for _=1,count do
if (g_line > minline) g_line -= 1
local function draw_cursor(x, y)
for i=0,2 do
local c = pget(x+i,y+5)
pset(x+i,y+5,c==0 and g_pal[12] or 0)
local function draw_input(cursor)
local input = g_prompt .. g_input .. ' '
local cx, cy, ilines = str_i2xy(input, #g_prompt + g_cursor_pos) -- ' ' is cursor placeholder
if ilines > g_input_lines then
scroll(ilines - g_input_lines)
elseif ilines < g_input_lines then
unscroll(g_input_lines - ilines, ilines)
g_input_lines = ilines
g_input_start = mid(g_input_start, 0, max(g_input_lines - 21, 0))
local sy = g_line - g_input_lines + g_input_start
if (sy+cy < 0) g_input_start += 1; goto again
if (sy+cy >= 21) g_input_start -= 1; goto again
local y = sy*6
if (g_input_lines>21) rectfill(0,126,127,127,0) -- clear partial line
if (g_cursor_time >= 10 and cursor != false and not g_interrupt) draw_cursor(cx*4, y + cy*6)
-- require pressing enter to view more results
local function page_interrupt(page_olines)
g_line -= 1
print("[enter] ('esc' to abort)",0,g_line*6,g_pal[3])
while true do
flip(); unpause()
for key in get_keys() do
if (key == '\x1b') g_abort = true; g_str_output = ''; g_results = {}; return false
if (key == '\r' or key == '\n') g_num_output_lines += page_olines; return true
local ostart, olines
if g_results or g_str_output then
ostart, olines = str_xy2i(g_str_output, 0, g_num_output_lines)
if olines - g_num_output_lines <= 20 and g_results then -- add more output
g_str_output, g_results = results_to_str(g_str_output, g_results)
ostart, olines = str_xy2i(g_str_output, 0, g_num_output_lines)
if (#g_results == 0 and not g_interrupt) g_results = nil
if (not g_interrupt) camera()
if (g_num_output_lines == 0 and not g_interrupt) draw_input(not g_str_output)
if g_str_output then
local output = sub(g_str_output, ostart)
local page_olines = min(olines - g_num_output_lines, 20)
str_print(output,0,(g_line - page_olines)*6,g_pal[1])
if page_olines < olines - g_num_output_lines then
if (page_interrupt(page_olines)) goto restart
local _, _, elines = str_i2xy(g_error_output, 0)
str_print(g_error_output,0,(g_line - elines)*6,g_pal[2])
if g_interrupt then
g_num_output_lines += page_olines
g_input, g_input_lines, g_input_start, g_cursor_pos, g_num_output_lines, g_str_output, g_error_output =
'', 0, 0, 1, 0
if g_interrupt then
g_line -= 1
if g_notice then
g_line -= 1
g_notice = nil
if g_notice_time then
g_notice_time -= 1
if (g_notice_time == 0) g_notice, g_notice_time = ''
g_cursor_time -= 1
if (g_cursor_time == 0) g_cursor_time = 20
camera(old_camx, old_camy)
if (g_line <= 20) cursor(0, g_line * 6)
--- Execution loop
g_in_execute_yield, g_in_mainloop, g_from_flip = false, false, false
g_pending_keys = {}
--lint: g_results, g_error, g_error_idx
-- report compilation error
-- an error of nil means code is likely incomplete
function on_compile_fail(err, idx)
g_error, g_error_idx = err, idx
assert(false, err)
-- execute code
function execute_raw(line, env, ...)
return parse(line)(env or g_ENV, ...)
-- evaluate code
function eval_raw(expr, env, ...)
return execute_raw("return " .. expr, env, ...)
-- try parse code
function try_parse(line)
local cc = cocreate(parse)
local ok, result = coresume(cc, line)
if (ok and not result) goto _ -- this shouldn't happen anymore, but does (pico bug?)
if (not ok) result, g_error = g_error, false
return ok, result
function pos_to_str(line, idx)
local x, y = str_i2xy(line, idx)
return "line " .. y+1 .. " col " .. x+1
-- execute code
function execute(line, complete)
g_results, g_abort, g_error = {}, false, false
g_in_execute_yield, g_in_mainloop, g_from_flip = false, false, false
-- create a coroutine to allow the code to yield to us periodically
local coro = cocreate(function ()
local results = pack(execute_raw(line))
if (results.n != 0) add(g_results, results)
local _ok, error
while true do
_ok, error = coresume(coro)
if (costatus(coro) == 'dead') break
-- handle yields (due to yield/flip or periodic)
if g_enable_interrupt and not g_in_mainloop then
g_interrupt = "running, press 'esc' to abort"
_draw(); flip()
g_interrupt = nil
if (g_enable_autoflip and not g_in_mainloop and not g_from_flip) flip()
if (not g_enable_autoflip and holdframe) holdframe()
g_from_flip = false
for key in get_keys() do
if key == '\x1b' then g_abort = true
else add(g_pending_keys, key) end
-- abort execution if needed
if (g_abort) error = 'computation aborted'; break
if g_error == nil then -- code is incomplete
if (complete) error = "unexpected end of code" else error, g_results = nil
if (g_error) error, g_error = g_error .. "\nat " .. pos_to_str(line, g_error_idx)
g_error_output = error
g_pending_keys = {}
return not error
-- called periodically during execution
yield_execute = function ()
-- yield all the way back to us
g_in_execute_yield = true
g_in_execute_yield = false
-- override flip to force a yield_execute
g_ENV.flip = function(...)
local results = pack(flip(...))
g_from_flip = true
return depack(results)
-- override coresume to handle yield_execute in coroutines
g_ENV.coresume = function(co, ...)
local results = pack(coresume(co, ...))
-- propagate yields from yield_execute
while g_in_execute_yield do
results = pack(coresume(co)) -- and resume
g_error = false -- discard inner compilation errors (via \x)
return depack(results)
-- override stat so we can handle keys ourselves
g_ENV.stat = function(i, ...)
if i == 30 then
return #g_pending_keys > 0 or stat(i, ...)
elseif i == 31 then
if #g_pending_keys > 0 then
return deli(g_pending_keys, 1)
local key = stat(i, ...)
if (key == '\x1b') g_abort = true
return key
return stat(i, ...)
-- simulate a mainloop.
-- NOTE:
-- real mainloop disables time/btnp updates, and also can't be recursed into/quit legally.
-- the below doesn't disable time/btnp updates at all - but that's not important enough for us.
function do_mainloop(env, continue)
if not continue then
if (_set_fps) _set_fps(env._update60 and 60 or 30)
if (env._init) env._init()
g_in_mainloop = true
while env._draw or env._update or env._update60 do
-- if (_update_buttons) _update_buttons() -- this breaks btnp in its current form
if (holdframe) holdframe()
if env._update60 then env._update60() elseif env._update then env._update() end
if (env._draw) env._draw()
g_from_flip = true
g_in_mainloop = false
-- Cart decompression
k_old_code_table = "\n 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!#%(){}[]<>+=/*:;.,~_"
-- Old code compression scheme - encodes offset+count for repeated code
function uncompress_code_old(comp)
local code, i = "", 9
while true do
local ch = ord(comp, i); i += 1
if ch == 0 then
-- any pico8 char
local ch2 = comp[i]; i += 1
if (ch2 == '\0') break -- end
code ..= ch2
elseif ch <= 0x3b then
-- quick char from table
code ..= k_old_code_table[ch]
-- copy previous code
local ch2 = ord(comp, i); i += 1
local count = (ch2 >> 4) + 2
local offset = ((ch - 0x3c) << 4) + (ch2 & 0xf)
for _=1,count do
code ..= code[-offset]
return code
-- New code compression scheme - also uses move-to-front (mtf) and bit reading
function uncompress_code_new(comp)
local code, i, shift, mtf = "", 9, 0, {}
for idx=0,0xff do mtf[idx] = chr(idx) end
local function getbit()
local bit = (ord(comp, i) >> shift) & 1
shift += 1
if (shift == 8) i += 1; shift = 0
return bit == 1
local function getbits(n)
local value = 0
for bit=0,n-1 do -- NOT fast
value |= tonum(getbit()) << bit
return value
while true do
if getbit() then
-- literal char
local nbits, idx = 4, 0
while (getbit()) idx |= 1 << nbits; nbits += 1
idx += getbits(nbits)
local ch = mtf[idx]
code ..= ch
-- update mtf
for j=idx,1,-1 do
mtf[j] = mtf[j-1]
mtf[0] = ch
-- copy previous code (usually)
local obits = getbit() and (getbit() and 5 or 10) or 15
local offset = getbits(obits) + 1
if offset == 1 and obits == 15 then
break -- not an official way to recognize end, but works
elseif offset == 1 and obits == 10 then
-- raw block
while true do
local ch = getbits(8)
if (ch == 0) break else code ..= chr(ch)
local count = 3
local part = getbits(3)
count += part
until part != 7
for _=1,count do
-- we assume 0x8000 isn't a valid offset (pico8 doesn't produce it)
code ..= code[-offset]
return code
-- Console input
--lint: g_ideal_x, g_key_code
g_prev_paste = stat(4)
g_key_time, g_lower = 0, false
poke(0x5f5c,10,2) -- faster btnp
-- return if keyboard key is pressed, using btnp-like logic
function keyp(code)
if stat(28,code) then
if (code != g_key_code) g_key_code, g_key_time = code, 0
return g_key_time == 0 or (g_key_time >= 10 and g_key_time % 2 == 0)
elseif g_key_code == code then
g_key_code = nil
-- update console input
function _update()
local input = false
local function go_line(dy)
local cx, cy, h = str_i2xy(g_prompt .. g_input, #g_prompt + g_cursor_pos)
if (g_ideal_x) cx = g_ideal_x
cy += dy
if (not (cy >= 0 and cy < h)) return false
g_cursor_pos = max(str_xy2i(g_prompt .. g_input, cx, cy) - #g_prompt, 1)
g_ideal_x = cx
g_cursor_time = 20 -- setting input clears ideal x
return true
local function go_edge(dx)
local cx, cy = str_i2xy(g_prompt .. g_input, #g_prompt + g_cursor_pos)
cx = dx > 0 and 100 or 0
g_cursor_pos = max(str_xy2i(g_prompt .. g_input, cx, cy) - #g_prompt, 1)
input = true
local function go_history(di)
g_history[g_history_i] = g_input
g_history_i += di
g_input = g_history[g_history_i]
if di < 0 then
g_cursor_pos = #g_input + 1
g_cursor_pos = max(str_xy2i(g_prompt .. g_input, 32, 0) - #g_prompt, 1) -- end of first line
local ch = g_input[g_cursor_pos]
if (ch and ch != '\n') g_cursor_pos -= 1
input = true
local function push_history()
if #g_input > 0 then
if (#g_history > 50) del(g_history, g_history[1])
g_history[#g_history] = g_input
add(g_history, '')
g_history_i = #g_history
input = true
local function delchar(offset)
if (g_cursor_pos+offset > 0) then
g_input = sub(g_input,1,g_cursor_pos+offset-1) .. sub(g_input,g_cursor_pos+offset+1)
g_cursor_pos += offset
input = true
local function inschar(key)
g_input = sub(g_input,1,g_cursor_pos-1) .. key .. sub(g_input,g_cursor_pos)
g_cursor_pos += #key
input = true
local ctrl = stat(28,224) or stat(28,228)
local shift = stat(28,225) or stat(28,229)
local keycode = -1
if keyp(80) then -- left
if (g_cursor_pos > 1) g_cursor_pos -= 1; input = true
elseif keyp(79) then -- right
if (g_cursor_pos <= #g_input) g_cursor_pos += 1; input = true
elseif keyp(82) then -- up
if ((ctrl or not go_line(-1)) and g_history_i > 1) go_history(-1)
elseif keyp(81) then -- down
if ((ctrl or not go_line(1)) and g_history_i < #g_history) go_history(1)
local key = stat(31)
keycode = ord(key)
if key == '\x1b' then -- escape
if #g_input == 0 then extcmd "pause"
else g_results, g_error_output = {}; push_history() end
elseif key == '\r' or key == '\n' then -- enter
if shift then
inschar '\n'
execute(g_input) -- sets g_results/g_error_output
if (not g_results) inschar '\n' else push_history()
elseif ctrl and keyp(40) then -- ctrl+enter
execute(g_input, true); push_history()
elseif key != '' and keycode >= 0x20 and keycode < 0x9a then -- ignore ctrl-junk
if (g_lower and keycode >= 0x80) key = chr(keycode - 63)
elseif keycode == 193 then -- ctrl+b
inschar '\n'
elseif keycode == 192 then -- ctrl+a
elseif keycode == 196 then -- ctrl+e
elseif keycode == 203 then -- ctrl+l
g_lower = not g_lower
g_notice, g_notice_time = "shift now selects " .. (g_lower and "punycase" or "symbols"), 40
elseif keyp(74) then -- home
if (ctrl) g_cursor_pos = 1; input = true else go_edge(-1);
elseif keyp(77) then -- end
if (ctrl) g_cursor_pos = #g_input + 1; input = true else go_edge(1);
elseif keyp(42) then delchar(-1) -- backspace
elseif keyp(76) then delchar(0) -- del
local paste = stat(4)
if (paste != g_prev_paste or keycode == 213) inschar(paste); g_prev_paste = paste -- ctrl+v
if keycode == 194 or keycode == 215 then -- ctrl+x/c
if g_input != '' and g_input != g_prev_paste then
g_prev_paste = g_input; printh(g_input, "@clip");
if (keycode == 215) g_input = ''; g_cursor_pos = 1;
g_notice = "press again to put in clipboard"
g_notice = ''
if stat(120) then -- file drop
local str, count = ""
count = serial(0x800,0x5f80,0x80)
str ..= chr(peek(0x5f80,count))
until count == 0
if (not load_cart(str)) inschar(str)
if (input) g_cursor_time, g_ideal_x = 20
g_key_time += 1
-- Main
-- my own crummy mainloop, since time() does not seem to update if the regular mainloop goes "rogue" and flips.
function toplevel_main()
while true do
if (holdframe) holdframe()
-- Self-test
-- (so I can more easily see if something got regressed in the future (esp. due to pico8 changes))
function selftest(i, cb)
local ok, error = coresume(cocreate(cb))
if not ok then
printh("error #" .. i .. ": " .. error)
print("error #" .. i .. "\npico8 broke something again,\nthis cart may not work.\npress any button to ignore")
while (btnp() == 0) flip()
selftest(1, function() assert(pack(eval_raw "(function (...) return ... end)(1,2,nil,nil)" ).n == 4) end)
selftest(2, function() assert(eval_raw "function() local temp, temp2 = {max(1,3)}, -20;return temp[1] + temp2; end" () == -17) end)
-- We're running out of tokens!
-- What to do? Well, we already have an interpreter above,
-- so we might as well as interpret the rest of our code!
-- But looking at code inside strings isn't fun, so I'm automatically moving
-- all the below code (after the count::stop) into the $$BELOW$$ string
-- when creating the cart.
_ENV.g_ENV = g_ENV -- make g_ENV a global, so it can be accessed by below code
execute_raw("$$BELOW$$", _ENV)
--lint: count::stop
-- Special \-commands
-- execute a repl-specific command
function cmd_exec(name)
if isin(name, {"i","interrupt"}) then
return g_enable_interrupt
elseif isin(name, {"f","flip"}) then
return g_enable_autoflip
elseif isin(name, {"r","repl"}) then
return g_enable_repl
elseif isin(name, {"mi","max_items"}) then
return g_show_max_items
elseif isin(name, {"h","hex"}) then
return g_hex_output
elseif isin(name, {"pr","precise"}) then
return g_precise_output
elseif isin(name, {"cl","colors"}) then
return g_pal
elseif isin(name, {"c","code"}) then
local code = {[0]=g_input}
for i=1,#g_history-1 do code[i] = g_history[#g_history-i] end
return code
elseif isin(name, {"cm","compile"}) then
return function(str) return try_parse(str) end
elseif isin(name, {"x","exec"}) then
return function(str, env, ...) execute_raw(str, env, ...) end
elseif isin(name, {"v","eval"}) then
return function(str, env, ...) return eval_raw(str, env, ...) end
elseif isin(name, {"p","print"}) then
return function(str, ...) g_ENV.print(value_to_str(str), ...) end
elseif isin(name, {"ts","tostr"}) then
return function(str) return value_to_str(str) end
elseif isin(name, {"rst","reset"}) then
run() -- full pico8 reset
elseif isin(name, {"run"}) then
elseif isin(name, {"cont"}) then
do_mainloop(g_ENV, true)
assert(false, "unknown \\-command")
-- assign to a repl-specific command
function cmd_assign(name)
local function trueish(t)
return (t and t != 0) and true or false
local func
if isin(name, {"i","interrupt"}) then
func = function(v) g_enable_interrupt = trueish(v) end
elseif isin(name, {"f","flip"}) then
func = function(v) g_enable_autoflip = trueish(v) end
elseif isin(name, {"r","repl"}) then
func = function(v) g_enable_repl = trueish(v) end
elseif isin(name, {"mi","max_items"}) then
func = function(v) g_show_max_items = tonum(v) or -1 end
elseif isin(name, {"h","hex"}) then
func = function(v) g_hex_output = trueish(v) end
elseif isin(name, {"pr","precise"}) then
func = function(v) g_precise_output = trueish(v) end
elseif isin(name, {"cl","colors"}) then
func = function(v) g_pal = v end
assert(false, "unknown \\-command assign")
-- do some trickery to allow calling func upon assignment
-- (as we're expected to return the assignment target)
local obj = {
__newindex=function(t,k,v) func(v) end,
__index=function() return cmd_exec(name) end, -- op-assign needs this
return setmetatable(obj, obj), 0
-- Misc.
function load_cart(str)
-- is this a full rom? (I'm assuming nobody will drop exactly-32kb text files here!)
local code, full = sub(str, 0x4301)
if #code == 0x3d00 then
full = true
poke(0, ord(str, 1, 0x4300)) -- load rom
code = str -- else, either tiny-rom or plaintext
local header = sub(code, 1, 4)
if header == ":c:\0" then
code = uncompress_code_old(code)
elseif header == "\0pxa" then
code = uncompress_code_new(code)
elseif full then
code = split(code, '\0')[1]
-- either plaintext or a tiny/uncompressed tiny-rom (indistinguishable)
-- run in ideal execution environment
g_enable_interrupt, g_enable_repl = false, false
local ok = execute(code, true)
g_enable_repl = true
if (ok) execute("\\run") -- we need to call do_mainloop from within execute, this is the easiest way
return true