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Cart #fwitutano-1 | 2020-04-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Experimenting with a simple voxel renderer.
The bike is generated in code!

There's an option in the pause menu (p) to use enable camera controls:
arrows: pan
z+arrows: rotate
x+up/down: zoom


cute! do you plan to add some kind of zbuffer?
atm, regarless of the resolution, all voxels are transformed/drawn

I wonder if I could run a decent string compressor for the .vox format for importing models.

@freds72 Thanks! Had a quick play with a zbuffer approach, couldn't get it as fast unfortunately.

@Cabledragon 👀 that'd be dope!


wow, this is super nice, love it ❤️

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