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Cart #rururokinu-0 | 2019-12-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

chistmas snow project made in 2 hours


IF one wasn't enough TWO?!? DIFFERENT examples of how to code snow falling? Thank You for sharing. I will post my own take on snowfall eventually... I didn't use this methodology but i find it an interesting approach I will need to study as well.

How about 3 ? :) (My snow routine is the 2nd cart listed here).


I think the lure of coding snow is ... you can't just drop it. You have to work with it, like a fine frozen powder, move it around the screen chaotically. Get the real feel for it. It's majestic and breathtaking when it's done correctly, much like the movement of fire or water.

I'm hoping future coders in the summer will tackle cloud generation like clouds in the sky as that's also an interesting study.

I like your larger flakes in this one, @gaylord123. Star given.

Am curious to see what snow code you'll come up with, @chizel9000.

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