Decided to try making a PICO8 game for the first time for the Github Gameoff 2019 jam. Figured I would add it to the list of carts on here.

The year, our distant future, 2007 ! Where our technology surpassed human evolution and ... wait. What ? What is that ? Oh, just a second.
Oh ? I see ... Oh, okay. Hmm, well that stinks. Let me start over then, shall I ?
The year, our recent past, where great technological advances involved in ... oh forget it. Let's do it this way.
"Watch out for the giant yellow jumping man-eating teddy bears !"
Okay, I'm done here.

Hey @elennick. I went onto ArcadePreHAcks and I saw that your game has been uploaded with out your permission. Much love, Rimuru.

Thanks for letting me know @Rimuru - I wasn't even aware this was a thing but I found this thread and I do now:
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