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Cart #wumpusti99-0 | 2019-11-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Clone of TI-99 Hunt the Wumpus Cartridge


Ah, this was another game I was going to write in Pico-8 at some point.

Wait long enough and someone will write it for you ...

Giving you a STAR. This was definitely one of my favorite games from years ago.

When you show the board when you shoot an arrow and it misses the WUMPUS, if you can please show where the player fired his arrow from and/or the position of the player as well.

I keep falling in the pit, isn't there rope to find ? Checking the original instructions ...


Ah, no there isn't. That was just something I was going to add.


You might add it too if you want.

I wasn't happy with the 45-degree passages. I was afraid I might write code that would put them in a loop the player couldn't enter. So instead I made ROCKS. Here is the level table I was going to put together:

lev map bat pit rop aro sto
 1   15  0   0   0   8   2
 2   25  4   0   0   6   4
 3   35  8   4   4   4   8
 4   45  16  8   2   2   16

Where LEV is level of play, MAP is the size of map X-across and Y down (15x15 for level 1), # of bats, # of pits, 3 of ropes to find. Number of arrows to start with, and # of stones (block passage). Maps would scroll with smaller map in top-right-hand corner to show where you've been. Screen was 7x7 in size.

In it if you shot and missed and it wasn't your last arrow and you were in WUMPUS domain, the WUMPUS would teleport to a random position - but not relocate his tracks so then you had 2-or more tracks on the map to keep tabs on.

Rope was just that, it would get you out of a pit. Stones were just round blocks that blocked a passageway. In no case would two stones be put together across, atop, or diagonally, so there was always a way around them.

Bats are just as you have in your game. You hit them, they drop you in a random place, maybe even into more bats, a pit, or the WUMPUS himself.

Who knows I may write it still. :)

Glad you like it! The original cartridge was a masterpiece. Adding the player position to the map should be should be easy.

If you're curious, @evancwright, it all hailed from game-master David H Ahl and Gregory Yob back in 1973 ...


Well, if you're interested @evencwright along side DW817's game I had music, if you need it you can have it

Yep, me and Scrub were working at it. I think I've been spending more time in Blitz than Pico recently.

I think Scrub has been doing the same. :)

Ahh ... I just want to play one more game of your Wumpus ...

I managed to crash the game.
1- I use the bat
2- Bat cutscene plays, but stops on its last frame
3- Bat alert sound plays again
4- Game remains frozen
My guess is the bat respawned in the same cave it put me in, explaining the repeated bat alert.

Thanks for the bug report. I'll investigate and post an update.

Thanks for the introduction, the article content is great for many readers, thanks a lot. mapquest directions

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