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Cart #zruyohse-0 | 2019-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I'm making a small game about chronic illness.
The idea is that the player has to go to the hospital every x amount of time.
They're also fighting a monster of sorts on the left side. But they'll get constantly interrupted because they'll run out of energy and have to go to the hospital.

Right now, I'm not sure what kind of mechanic I would have for the fighting of the monster. I was thinking basic turn based attacks like an RPG, but maybe something more action might be fun.
Any suggestions?

Thanks :D


Actually sounds like the whole makings to a movie I saw recently in the theater called ELI.


@dw817 oh neat!


Your graphics imply action. You could make it a bit of a battler.

Check out the movie Hellraiser 2 for some ideas of the unreal surreal which I think would benefit your spooky game.

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