You are at a speedrun event. You're trying to complete an RPG as quickly as possible, skipping as much as you can.
Made solo from scratch in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 41 based on the theme 'Combine 2 Incompatible Genres'.
Ok, fun :D
The mayor doesn't react when you reach 10/10 rats. But considering the theme of the game, it might be intentional...
02:34:3 btw
Great time! Yh I ran out of time to get the legit questline working but since it's content you're literally not supposed to see I figured that was fine :P
I'm always interested in turn-based adventure games. Looks like a fair amount of work went into this. Gets you a star. :)
A part of me wants to take a whole day trying to beat the game without the sword...
But I don't really want to spend hours grinding.
Update; I ended up beating the game without picking up the sword.
If you have three hours to kill, I'll save you the math to defeating the boss.
As soon as you reach level 30 on the rats, you can start heading to witching woods.
At level 60, you can start attacking the skeletons of gladiator graveyard.
Once you're ripped at a solid level 100, the boss won't know what hit 'em!
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