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Stack everything to complete each level

Controls: A and S or cursors to rotate
Click and drag to move.


Hey there, is there anywhere the music for this game is available for download?

This game is cruel. You spend some time stacking your cats carefully, to make sure they're safe. Then the scoreboard arrives and fucks everything up.

what he said... /\ but still fun!

what he said... /\ but still fun!

Very Funny, haha troll cats =].

noms watermelon

I've managed to run game to Android, but kind of very slow...
If anyone is crazy enough, try to play it on phone. Note that I played this on ARMv6 phone with 600 MHz and 180 MB of RAM and Flash Player 11, and for me it's only runnable.

Why I've done this? To prove that you can run it.

hey anyone out there

Cute game (^-^)

i <3 cat cat watermelon is my fruit favorite

ha ha LOVE IT

Becomes a LOT easier when you realize you can rotate the objects with A/S.

It just appears as a white rectangle when I enable flash.

Edit: I found that The Internet Archive has an archived version of this page where the game works for me. If anyone else is having a similar issue, here's a link. http://web.archive.org/web/20181105084222/https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=190


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