Put PICO-8 directory at /home/pi/ either via SSH then unzip, or manually by putting MicroSD in a computer and copying the files over.
Scroll down to the part about Launching PICO-8 from EmulationStation (about halfway down)
Follow these instructions through terminal (quit EmulationStation) and a Bluetooth Keyboard. Should work through SSH if that is your thing.
THEN, you need to run:
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
Start EmulationStation back up and you should have a launch option for PICO-8. Sound and Controls and Everything worked for me after that :)
Aha! You got one! I'm so jealous! Been waiting for this for months and when they went on sale they sold out right away. :)
I am still in shock on how quick they ran out.
Hopefully they will get their stock sorted out, and people will actually get some use out of this guide :p
What does your file system structure look like?
Will try to upload a video, but work has me busy the next couple of days.
I got this working by using the run script ('+Start PICO-8.sh') and leaving it on '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports'. Then through the Ports section you should be able to run it.
The biggest problem is that unless you connect a bluetooth keyboard you cannot exit from a game (there is no ESC key or key combination to exit). Simply put, PICO-8 is not designed to be controlled just with a gamepad. This is a shame, because it makes it difficult to use it on a GPi case or similar setup.
I find that surprising; with a USB SNES-style gamepad, the Start button is automatically mapped to Enter, and brings up the pause menu.
I'm happy to be wrong about Pico-8 not being designed to be used with a controller. This must be an specific issue with my setup (I'm using Supreme GPI base image). I know that the controller on GPi case identifies/works as an XBox controller, this is probably different to use an USB-connected gamepad.
I'll keep investigating. I bought the GPi case because of its ability to use Pico-8.
Two ideas:
use a pad test cart such as https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3714 to see your current mapping
- using a keyboard, go to console (Escape key) and run the KEYCONFIG command to change key bindings
Thanks for the suggestions, merwok.
- The pad test carts will not test the menu popup as this is the shortcut to open it (probably out of the cart's capability).
- Key config I tried it but it doesn't react to gamepad input, it only works for keyboard.
I followed a longer tutorial that included ensuring the SDL gamepad configuration was the right one (see https://sinisterspatula.github.io/RetroflagGpiGuides/pico8/pico8). But I still cannot popup the menu.
I tried simulating a keyboard using python-uinput yesterday but that didn't work on Emulation Station or Pico8. The intention was to intercept gamepad buttons and generate the key presses that I needed (ESC & ENTER).
Today I have found a good lead on how to proceed. There is custom mapping (xboxdrv->keyboard) on Retropi that is used to allow certain games be played (https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Universal-Controller-Calibration-&-Mapping-Using-xboxdrv). I plan on remapping select and start to ESC and ENTER and see if that works. Will post here my findings.
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