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I am a newbie.
How do I create a new game(or new cartridge)?

P#62997 2019-03-24 17:39

Since I've heard that the previous version would be SPLORE, ESC was.

P#62998 2019-03-24 17:42

Not sure if you want to post a game or start programming in pico.

For programming, you need to buy pico. Once you have the executable, you can program within this small virtual computer.

For publishing a new game, see instruction manual, e g:

:: Sharing Cartridges

    There are three ways to share carts made in PICO-8:

        1. Share the .p8 or .p8.png file directly with other PICO-8 users

            Type FOLDER to open the current folder in your host operating system.

        2. Post the cart on the Lexaloffe BBS to get a web-playable version


        3. Export the cartridge to a stand-alone html/js or native binary player
            (see the exporters section for details)

from: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico8_manual.txt

P#62999 2019-03-24 18:23


P#63013 2019-03-25 05:13

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