Marie Kondo's finally made it out of the clink, to find herself in a new neighborhood. Will she use her powers to spark joy for good or evil?
if you are holding a tool, you can break certain blocks by moving to the left or right of them. if you press the grab key while holding an item you drop the item unless you are also near a grab point, in which case you grab onto the grab point. the idea is to increase joy in all households till they hold a nice party for marie kondo. if you follow around the npcs, they'll talk about stuff they want or stuff they have too much of. it also seems the web player is a little buggy in that the controls stop working when the frame loses focus, so try downloading the cart if that seems to be the case.
For some reason, I can't jump high enough to bring my spoon with me. I keep dropping my stuff at grab points. I also kind-of hoped you could kill people with the sword you can find. I why does everyone hate you? I just wanted to say hi!
P.S.: I see you remixed the theme from the PICO-8 game The Slow And The Curious.
OoP fOuNd TeH eRrOr...
I held down on the down key, and I went through the floor.
oh yeah, thanks for the helpful comments!
certainly no shortage of stuff to iterate on after the game jam's done
What are these and why are there so many of them?
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