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Cart #28861 | 2016-09-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Arrows + X + C

Climb a mountain and push some blocks.

A mod of CELESTE by Matt Thorson and Noel Berry. Playing CELESTE first is recommended.


Awesome =) Need to find some time to play through this!


this was great!

Here's my score!! There were some seriously brutal levels in there. Good job!


I can complete the original celeste in about 2 minutes so man this makes me feel bad D:
I hope I didn't miss any strawberries...

I really like what you've done with the levels here, with the sliding block puzzles you found a great way of making Celeste more challenging without entirely making it timing based, so the game is still more about working out your way through a level.


This mod is seriously hard, and seriously good. Feels like a bona-fide expansion pack to Celeste :). Good job!

this took 20 years, but it's pretty good. gj screenshot (i hope)


Sorry for the poor image quality, there isn't anything I can do about it.

Rating: 4/5
Challenge attempted: None
Challenge difficulty: N/A
Review: Very good game. Must play for fans of celeste.

Were the blocks in the origanal? If not HOWW???

I finally got sub 15!!

How do I do this level? Awesome game btw, love the puzzle aspect of it with the pushing blocks

Awesome mode!! I relly liked the room before the warning. also the last room was just genius!! Thank you for making a mod for the 8-bit version of celeste!!


Oh man I finally beat it!

@PavkataXD Uhmm... 8-Bit version? This is the original version, that came before the more popular release. You're treating it like a recreation of the full release in PICO-8.

im legit stuck on a block puzzle


My confidence perished...

how do I do 1900

it has 69 starred


I'm no speedrunner so that's about the best I'll ever do.
I can now beat this game comfortably in one sitting, that's been challenge enough for me.
A few levels were always more annoying than fun, including the last actual level. Otherwise good use of the new block mechanic.

Thanks for the game.

Incredible mod wow !

really good mod took me about an hour to beat


ayyy sub 15

update: sub 10

1300m and 1900m are just dropzel

Edit: great mod! here's my time:

Really fun mod! 2100m and 2900m were brutal but they were all very fun. 5/5 mod


Took a while to notice, but from gameplay and looking at the code (as far as I understand code) dash grace jumps are not allowed in this! Meaning: In classic Celeste during the grace period it's possible to dash and jump quite far off the ground and still preserve a dash. In this, Madeleine has to be on the ground when the jump happens to still have the dash.

Code in this checks for both if all jumps are used and if dash timer has reset.

if on_ground then
	if this.djump<max_djump and this.dash_time <= 0 then

instead of the original which only checks for jumps:

if on_ground then
	if this.djump<max_djump then

still, probably my favourite celeste classic mod

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