An implementation of standard-ish encryption using AES-256-CTR, PBKDF2 & SHA-256-HMAC
Q: What is the point of this? Is anybody expected to waste this metric ton of tokens on an encryption/decryption algorithm that's way too slow to run in pico-8?
A: That's not a question.
Q: Did you implement it from scratch? Are you aware that's that a really bad idea in cryptography, as your implementation is no doubt riddled with bugs and inefficiencies?
A: That's not a question.
Q: What's the password for the demo? Shouldn't the demo showcase successful decryption instead of a failure?!
A: That's not a question.
Q: #
A: 59190
A(cknowledgement): Demo uses print9 by qbicfeet for preddier text.
Did you know there's an easier and faster way to achieve encryption from input text ? (That is a question).
And if you like, I can show you. (That is not a question).
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