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Cart #5884 | 2012-02-12 | Embed ▽ | No License

ZOMG! A ghost has entered the bus! KILL IT! Enjoy!

Finally a good map, this map is great, the only thing I miss the bus windows were =].
Very good and very funny.


Thanks, I appreciate it, I still got more levels if you want to try them. Thank You again.

Looks worth trying out fo sho! Will play it and give you my feedback.


Yes, I'm just writing a comment for this to be on the front voxatron page. Also, this map is awesome. =)

Yes, I'm just writing a comment for this to be on the front voxatron page. Also, this map is awesome. =)

Yes, I'm just writing a comment for this to be on the front voxatron page. Also, this map is awesome. =)

Yes, I'm just writing a comment for this to be on the front voxatron page. Also, this map is awesome. =)

dude please stop the spamming --'

you promote your own level that really sad i'm disapointed .... that's just stupid

SPAMMING?! What are you talking about!

Spamming: put several equal or meaningless messages purposely or inadvertently.

Your four mesaages...

... -_-

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