I've been searching around various forums and can't seem to find a definitive answer. Is it possible to set up Pico 8 to boot directly into a game, and have it run automatically? Pico 8 is an awesome platform for writing silly applications and I would love to make a dedicated hardware setup that boots directly into one of these applications (think: cosplay gadgets!). Anyone have experience with this?
When you run Pico-8 from the command line, you can specify command line flags to control certain behaviors. For example, you can specify the name of a cartridge file, and Pico-8 will load and run the cart immediately.
Check out details on the wiki:
Davbo with the win as usual
I'm curious if this would be possible to establish with the raspberry pi image that's out there?
Hmm I've never played around with raspberry pi but presumably you could make it part of a script? Then trigger that script by... Something?
i know i saw someone had a rpi boot sd that auto booted into whatever game was on it, couldn't connect to the bbs or something
all i remember was the guy had it set up so you pit one pico 8 game on a sd and the rpi gooted into it directly, if anyone finds it i need to bookmark it
One of you guys found a solution?
@VgBlade, I suppose that you found it. for the others - it was the PICOPi project from guillermo amaral.
You could easily do this by installing PICO-8 on a RaspberryPi and then starting it using a Cronjob that just executes PICO-8 with the "-run filename" flag at reboot.
pico8 -run cart.p8
for everyone looking for it
also, I noticed that http://pico-8.wikia.com/wiki/RunningPico8 is outdated, since I found a -kiosk mode that boots directly into splore favorites and it is not listed there, so I thought maybe running pico8 --help our pico8 -h would give me the full list, but no
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