As I'm working away on my projects here, I thought I would share with you the very .BAT file I wrote and use to bring up Pico-8. You may like it:
@run-pico8.exe -windowed 1 -width 692 -height 650 -draw_rect 10,5,672,640 -sound 64 -music 64 -pixel_perfect 0 -software_blit 1 |
"run-pico8.exe" of course is just "pico8.exe" renamed.
- Windowed mode is on
- Width and height are slightly longer across than down for the 128x128 pixels
- Draw is absolute coordinates within
- Pico8 can be LOUD, these two commands of sound and music put the volume at 25% your maximum
- Pixel Perfect turned OFF ensures we can have a slightly longer across pixel than down
- Software blit ensures it is not dithered and blurry
This is for my display of 1920x1080. You can certainly adjust this for your own configuration.
Hope This Helps !
I'm familiar with most pixels being slightly longer across than down, Enargy, so it's just something comfortable for me.
You certainly don't have to use that particular setting. But the ZOOM set in here is better than default and fits the full screen without losing the taskbar nicely.
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