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Cart #55844 | 2018-08-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • Physics enhancement. Side to side is more slippery.
  • Floating points. Wow. Yikes. I don't want to talk about it.

It's a balloon trip remake!
Tentative release, there's a lot more to be done, but it's stable.

Left/Right to strafe
Up/Square to "jump"
Mash up/square to gain velocity
Avoid the mines and last as long as you can


Yeah, one of my favorites !

Trying ... The acceleration is pretty high.

Here is the original. Notice every time his hands move is when he gets "lift."

It would take about 6-7 button presses in the original to match the one button press of what you have currently.

So maybe cut down the gravity by half or more and the lift by a 6th or more. See if that's any better. :)

Never played the original, but this is pretty hard!

Cutting the gravity and increasing the lift has the opposite effect as what I think you're asking for, as it makes the jumps super powerful.

If you take a look at the code, under new_actor and new_player, there are three variables at play: Gravity, jump acceleration, and vertical friction. Gravity, of course, is downward acceleration.

Take a look at this version:

Gravity is less powerful, but the jumps are also much less powerful, creating a more "floaty" feel overall.

(also, of course, in balloon trip, mines are a one-hit kill, and you only get one life, so I'm taking some liberties here)

On your latest, the gravity is still pretty steep, but the "kick" for going up is just about right.

You may need to play the original to get a good feel for the mechanics and "floatiness." If this works, try it. Choose "Balloon Trip."


Updated with several fixes and enhancements.

Tried both. Gravity is still stronger than original. Did the link I give you allow you to play the game ?

If not, you can get a NES emulator like NESTOPIA, and download the game manually to experiment with, or I could provide a link.

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