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Im adding games to my games front-end (LaunchBox). I can start games sucessfully with:
pico8 -run mygame.p8

But when i end the game, pico stays in the pico console window, and i need to get back to DOS.

Any tips?

Use the command STOP(). It will exit immediately right where you are back to "DOS."

You can even use an argument for it:


ok. i have a few games ive downloaded also, what is the best approach to embed that into those games, so STOP is called when pressing SEC?

I'm not sure how to embed games, but yes, STOP() will stop your program right there.

Now I found recently if it only pulls you out of a loop, call it again, so you have two: STOP() STOP().

You can work this into a conditional IF statement as well, useful for debugging.

When you press ESC from SPLORE, that brings up a different menu entirely. You can find information on this HERE:


(search for: "extcmd x")

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