version: 1.2.5
next version:
personal review:
Motivation -- BlindDevil --

That's a great map, and very long, continue to improve your mapping =]
MVN = Motivation Clan -> Coming with a blog.

I loved all the updates to this! Also I was able to defeat the intelligence.

I might update intelligence, because it's not so inteligent :$ but, thank you :)

LOL to borsuk xD and yeah I know it's untiled, i will correct it on my next update but also, I think I give up this project. V1.2.5 will be the last update I think ...

It could be -not to difficult- to implement a password-like thing, with many doors corresponding to numbers to be entered in the right order to access a particular point of a level...
But that's just an idea, i'm too lazy to put it in practice ;P
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