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I really need some help with making 2 songs for (PicoPico Rocket) I have the songs in mp3 form, but I have no clue how to get them translated for PICO-8. Any help would be appreciated. I can send you the songs if you're interested.

I can't help on the music side but if you can get them converted to MIDI then https://github.com/gamax92/midi2pico is a brilliant tool.

I tried that. It just turned into a horrible mess of noise.

Yeah - well, I can't deny if needs simple music in the first place :)

Would it be possible to hear these songs?

From your initial post it's not 100% clear to me whether you're talking about songs which are already "chiptune" and someone would basically just need to transcribe and essentially program into PICO-8's music editor or whether you're talking about songs with complex polyphony which would need to be arranged and optimised for PICO-8

I hope that makes sense.

The songs are mp3 rips of the intro music and single player music from the Dreamcast version of the game. They would need to be arranged and optimised.

I think these are them (I'm at work with no headphones)

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