was curious, anybody bought voxatron strictly to make voxel art? i was never much of an artist myself but, the moment i saw voxel art i fell in love with the simple cube style. im still very much a beginner in doing voxel art, but the moment i saw how simple it was, first thing i thought was, 'yes, im a shitty artist, BUT I CAN DO THAT!
ive been experimenting with the best medium, inkscape has got a killer axonmetric grid but when you try to get that stacked cube look it just doesn't look right without alot of trouble. grafx2 is cool, but i suck at pixel art. the best voxel editor hands down is a software called qubicle constructor but i think it uses a bad form of drm and is windows only. its amazing to see that voxde is just being released and already it quite the voxel software.
truth is, even after the whole voxatron/voxel fad dies down, if voxde keeps being developed, voxatron will be a great game and an awsome creative outlet at the same time. yes, i also own the game spore which has a similar creative concept. i wish voxde a very long life.
Maybe it's just cause I'm more familiar with it, but I think Quibicle Constructor is a lot better if you simply want to make art, of course you can't play with your art afterward unlike in voxatron so there's that.
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