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Hi, I love Voxatron and have been noticing that it has started getting pretty big on Youtube. I would like to start a series where every week I take submitted maps and pick the top 5. I know this has been done in all other games but Voxatron is so unique that it will be a fun experience for the youtube community and all. But, I need help and maps. I need anyone and everyone to submit maps. Even if you are not featured on the show try again next time. I need people to help me though. I need about 2 or 3 people to help me review the maps and choose which one is the best and to help with any ideas. If you want to join please email me at: [email protected]. I will be online at almost any given time. I want to thank the community and the developers for making this such a great game.


Oh this sounds awsome as long as its well regulated. I think we should have a thread for submissions.

I will after I get a few people to help me and get it going

I might just submit a level! But first I got to start on it. :D

Can one submit more than one level?

Where should we submit our levels?

not sure if your just not on or what but when you get the chance check you email :3

Submit your level to me: [email protected] and I will be on for the rest of the week so keep it going!

I sent in my levels! :D

Hieveryone I will be live streaming in one hour and will be answering any and all questions. Go tohttp://www.livestream.com/trinex?t=626407

When is it going to youtube?

I want to send in levels from my upcoming series that I have only just made the character for. Sounds awesome.

i want to join please let me join my level is Masters of Voxelz please use and remember to thank people for there levels

I'd like to submit my Sock Ghost II level. I'm to send you an e-mail, am I correct?

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