First game with pico-8. I love it so far! I'll make more.
Hope you enjoy a classic match 3 game. I added mouse support too!

Very well done. You should really add special tiles and multiple levels. Right now it's really just a minigame, but with just a few extra features and some kind of progression, it'd be a fill, enduring game.

Ahh the fruits look so yummy! The blueberry and grape especially. I look forward to more carts :)

I think the clock isn't obvious enough, perhaps a bar right under the playfield would work better
(also make it flash along with the time out beeps) -
add a few seconds on 4+ matches, that would make the gameplay even more interesting
- it took me a while to figure out the "high scores" screen. maybe simply "game over" would be a better header since most of the info there is related to your last play.
just my 2 cents anyway, everything else is really neat. great job!

- Agreed I noticed that too.
- Agreed. Usually you let the player do matches as long as he can keep up

Oh wow! I just published a match 3 game - I couldn't find any on here when I started working on it. Yours is so good! Well done on it :)
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