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Hi all!

I know that a MAME cabinet is illegal, even if no payment to play is required.

What about setting up a cabinet with PICO-8?

Would that be ok to let people in the pub enjoy a relaxing game now and then (clearly for free)?

Thanks for your help.


If no laws were broken, then maybe you can since it also gives out exposure to the devs. Contact the devs first though just to be safe.

Hi skeltonmod!

I will indeed contact the devs but what I wanted to be sure is if from a PICO-8 license perspective this is fine and if anybody knew if something like this is breaking the law or not.

Thanks for your help.

I think @zep would probably be cool with it. (but be sure to ask!)
I would personally let people know where to buy pico-8 for themselves and encourage them to do so.

BTW, the many carts licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA may or may not also require contacting their authors as well, since the "non-commerical" bit also includes uses "intended for commercial advantage" (paraphrased), even if no payment is involved. Just FYI :p

Very useful help, @JeremyRedhead!

I will write to venerable Zep right away :)

Probably contacting devs, making a favorite carts list including only "approved" games and removing the PICO-8 from internet could be enough for the other observation.

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