A Viking Rampage!
I first developed this game for Ludum Dare 34 in Unity, but I decided to recreate it on Pico-8 as a learning exercise and because I was never happy with the art in the original.
Z/C to attack
X/V to use your shield. This does not protect you from running into the enemies, only from their projectiles.

I'm sure that would improve it alright, but I'm not really sure how to do it.

Updated with randomised viking colours and shield designs, randomised enemy colours and patterns of appearance, new visual effects, and a new type of enemy.
I think that's all...

I like this, but agree that procedural enemy generation (and maybe more exclamations) would definitely improve it!

I really like this. Looks great too. I agree with the procedural enemies thing, but I found this to be a lovely, fun casual game.
Great stuff!

this wound be awesome with a jump button
artwork is @$%#ing awesome
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