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Cart #47681 | 2017-12-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello, I'm trying to develop a game in which there will be some enemies chasing the player on a map, and on this map there will be some obstacles.

I know how to code a simple AI in order to have enemies follow the player, by using math trigonometry functions like sine, cosine and arctangent; but I ACTUALLY HAVE NO IDEA about how to code an enemy AI in order to make it avoiding some obstacles on the screen.

Basically I'd like to code a simple AI that could chase the player on the map, but at the right time when it's about to collide with an obstacle could forget for a moment that chase and dodge the obstacle.

Do you have an idea about what I should try to implement ?
At the moment I've tried something very simple that tries to rotate around an obstacles while the trajectory between the enemy and the obstacle and the trajectory between the enemy and the player is equal or greater than 90 degrees. It's a really simple trick but it doesn't work 100% of the time.

This is my code:

function _init()
    -- initialize

    -- enemy
    e = {}
    e.f = 1
    e.x = 0
    e.y = 0
    -- player
    p = {}
    p.found = false
    p.distance_b = 0
    p.f = 2
    p.x = 118
    p.y = 118

    -- columns
    bb = {}
    b1 = {}
    b1.f = 3
    b1.x = 40
    b1.y = 40
    b2 = {}
    b2.f = 3
    b2.x = 80
    b2.y = 80
    add(bb, b1)
    add(bb, b2)

function object_collide_with(x1, y1, x2, y2, gx, gy)
	-- checks if an object has collided 
	-- with another object, then calculated
	-- the angle between the ball and the other object

    -- gx = gravity horizontal center
    -- gy = gravity vertical center

    if (gx == nil) gx = 4  -- 8x8 --> 8/2 
    if (gy == nil) gy = 4

	--local bump = c1 and c2 and c3 and c4
	local distance = sqrt(((x2+gx)-(x1+gx))^2 + ((y2+gy)-(y1+gy))^2)
    local angle = atan2((x1 + gx) - (x2 + gx), (y1 + gy) - (y2 + gy))
	local direction = flr(angle * 8)
	return distance, angle, direction

function player_collide_with(x, y, w, h)
	-- checks if the player has collided 
	-- with another object, then calculated
	-- the angle between the ball and the other object

	return object_collide_with(p.x, p.y, x, y, w, h)

function distance_between(x1, y1, x2, y2)
	-- calculates the distance between two points

	return sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)

function check_player()
    if (btn(0)) p.x -= 1
    if (btn(1)) p.x += 1
    if (btn(2)) p.y -= 1
    if (btn(3)) p.y += 1

function _update()
    p.found = false
    local distance, angle, direction
    -- check the distance from the target
    distance, angle, direction = player_collide_with(e.x, e.y)    
    for i, b in pairs(bb) do
        local distance_b, angle_b, direction_b = object_collide_with(b.x, b.y, e.x, e.y)        
        if distance_b <= 10 and abs(angle-angle_b) < 1/6 then
            angle_b += 3.1415/240
            e.x = b.x - cos(angle_b) * distance_b
            e.y = b.y - sin(angle_b) * distance_b            
            p.found = true
    if not p.found then
        e.x += cos(angle) 
        e.y += sin(angle)
    if distance_between(e.x, e.y, p.x, p.y) < 8 then
        -- reset if the enemy touches the player
        e.x = 0
        e.y = 0

function _draw() 
    for i, b in pairs(bb) do
        spr(b.f, b.x, b.y)
    spr(p.f, p.x, p.y)
    spr(e.f, e.x, e.y)

Thank you Bekey, I will read it tonight when I go back home.


The nice thing about using pathfinding is that it only looks like the enemy "forgot" about the player. In fact, the enemy is still following the player, but it's just following a clear path to the player instead. Fanzine #4 has a tutorial for implementing pathfinding in PICO-8.


Thank you MBoffin


You could also look into steering behaviours. (You've already written most of what you need for the basic behaviours, FWIW)

Here's a good set of tutorials to start with - https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/series/understanding-steering-behaviors--gamedev-12732

Thank you Catatafish

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