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A few days back zep mentioned a 0.1.11c incoming. Did this land anywhere, maybe quietly for testing, or are we still only at 0.1.11b outside of zep's (slanted) walls?

(I really want those new date/time functions. :) I have a little project that I have to enter the current time on every time I run it, sigh.)


Aww, bit bummed out about this new feature.

Mostly because I spent one of my holidays making a template that deals with the lack of date/time functions. (ie. enter the current time every time you run it. :P)

Did consoles have internal clocks back in the day? I seem to remember one being in a pokemon game. But that was inside the cartridge, wasn't it?

yeah, Gold/Silver up to the GBA games had clocks that ran off a battery in the cartridge. game consoles didn't have clocks as standard until the Saturn and PS1 afaik, though i think computers had them for a bit longer? (and imo pico-8 is more of a fantasy computer..)

Woo! Just noticed 'c' is up! Cheers, zep!

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