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Cart #45479 | 2017-10-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So, I've been doing a PICO-8 game development workshop for a while now. One of the ideas for the workshop that ultimately didn't pan out was for me to make a top-down tileset that would allow us to make a game during the workshop quickly.

The workshop went a different way, but a good tileset is a sad thing to waste - so I finished it, and I'm hereby releasing it to the PICO-8 community. The CC tag on the cartridge is not a coincidence - as far as I'm concerned, this tileset is public domain and you can use it and abuse it however you wish!

Wanted to make a PICO-8 medieval tactics game? A Heroes of Might and Magic demake? A Harvest Moon rip-off? A strategy game of some sort? This should help you at least a little bit :)

There is 64 empty tiles left to be filled. If you actually start a project and make some headway, I'd be happy to do a few tiles specific to your game, time permitting.

Lastly, the biggest reason I could spend the time to finish this tileset instead of working on $$$ projects is the people on my Patreon - so a big thank you to the guys and gals supporting me there :)


inb4 @jeb makes a Stardew Valley demake over the weekend 😆

Kidding aside, this is a beautiful tileset. What an awesome thing to have available for people! Thank you! 😄

A demake of a reimagining of a series made of remakes! :)

I've been hitting my ancient dos game collection looking for demake ideas and I look at this tileset and it just SCREAMS for a demake of Ultima 6 or 7. Well, Maybe not 7.. That game was so huge they had to break it into two parts each with two chapters. But maybe a demake of the B&W gameboy Ultimas.


You could also do an HD remaster of Ultima's 1-3 ;)

@krajzeg: Or even Akalabeth if you really want to be obscure! (Ultima 0)

Ultima VII was tilted sideways though.

Going for isometric 8x8 tiles would be pretty insane, even for me :). Might end up looking pretty cool, though.

For some reason the wall and shore tiles remind me very much of Rampart, but I just looked up a screenshot of Rampart ... and it looks completely different!

So I don't know what my point is. Maybe I just wish for a Pico Rampart game.

I think it's the empty spaces within the walls - they make me think of Rampart as well (once somebody pointed it out :).

I think you're both thinking battle mode. Only battle mode would display the top-down view like this. Build/Capture mode was always just simple overhead blocks.

Oooohhh nice. You have exactly what it takes to start a nice Shining Force clone.

Really beautiful work and thanks for sharing it.

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