Idea by Alchemist!
I saw his level and thought "Hm... I don't like how it's done.".. instead of complaining, I built it myself - everything is handmade (except of the Butamons (='Minotaurs') ;)
There is a little Problem with the boss, but it's a problem with the mob-script itself, nothing I could change. See for yourself :)

Hey. i recently got voxatron and im decent with the editor, but i have a question. i played this level and saw that you somehow go tthe dragon in, HOW?? im making an RPG map and i think having the dragon in some areas would be awesome. so, please, tell me how you did it?

I believe he copied the dragon from the adventure mode map file into his game. At least that's what I suspect. Even if he didn't, that should work anyway.
here's the map:
Save it in your maps folder and then open it up in the editor.

Yep :)
But, be careful. You see, if one head dies, ALL of the body parts die. So you got a flying dragon-head :)

I haven't played this yet, but given the effort you put into the level image, I'm certain it's going to be pretty fun. Nice work.
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