First game I made in pico 8 for ld39. Released under General public license v.3
Feedback, tips and tricks are definitely welcomed!
PS The ai is definitely not stupid and can't be effectively abused until there are too many of them. Who is more powerful now huh?
Well, first, I absolutely don't understand what I'm supposed to do. Currently, I lose 1 energy point for each move. I can't shoot or do anything else than moving (buttons have no action). Creatures keep shooting. Objects on map are just obstacles. So... what were you trying to do?
Thank you very much for feedback! I feared that the ui color would not explain it well enough (will definitely address this in my future games). You are supposed to dodge the creatures while farming the energy bullets they are shooting. As the ai is dumb it can be abused but once there is enough of them game becomes quite challenging/possibly impossible.
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