Finally, all stages are in playable state and all bosses can be destroyed! What is only left to make is audio and difficulty balancing.
The main mechanic of this game is something that I call Wool System. By hitting enemies with your bullets you charge the Wool Meter. When you fill the Wool Meter you gain a flash bomb. Flash bomb cancels bullets in a small range and gives you an one second of invulnerability. It also slightly recharges Wool Meter depending on the amount of canceled bullets. Canceling enough bullets grants an extend. You can hold 8 flash bombs at once.
The scoring system is based on canceling bullets with bombs and not getting hit. Every life left at the end of the game adds a good amount of score, and every removed bullet via bombing also grants a bit of score, not to mention allows for even more bonus lives.
I hope you guys are going to like it.
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