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Cart #42875 | 2017-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I am so terribly sorry. I actually intended to demake Insaniquarium using this game kit as some form of sample game, but it ended up sitting on my computer for months.

Anyway, over said months, I probably forgot the actual state of this gamekit, but from what I remember:

  • Allows players to take a break for at least 3 years before breaking.
  • Provides a screen for entering date + time. With this info the game calculates the last time the player played the game. (You basically rely on the player not lying to you, because Pico8 doesn't expose the OS clock.)
  • Unique feature where time is progressing slower while the game is running. /s
  • No seriously, the clock isn't accurate while the game is running, but it should be somewhat accurately calculating the time since the last playtime.
  • Lots of finicky floating errors and overflows to keep in mind with while setting up the numbers.
  • Define your own "resources" (hunger, gold, joy, etc...) with their own min, max and starting values. As well as the tickrate and tickamount (negative or positive!)
  • Uses cartdata

Obviously I welcome any and all optimizations. Actually... considering the token count I should beg for them, but whatever, date calculations are hard, yo!


Bonus: My Insaniquarium spritesheet, feel free to cannibalize it:

I found this while working on a Tamagotchi/incremental game inspired game trying to see if it's worth my time to add in a naming system for each pet with a retro keyboard or using devkit- saw you in a thread saying to use a retro keyboard and thought "huh, what have they made". Only to find out you had made something I may inevitably have to. I didn't even intend to find it. This is so cool, thank you! I may yoink this for myself, and if I do I will 100% be crediting you :3c

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