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It feels eerily similar.
It even uses the term "Fantasy Game Console". It looks like it has more features than Pico-8, but for less.

Yeah, I've bought that :) Even though I'm developing exclusively on PICO-8, I've also got PixelVision8, TIC-80 and LIKO-12 because.....I don't know. I like collecting things.

It's not that similar, IMHO. It wants to be a flexible tool for making retro games of multiple flavors, rather than being one specific platform. That works for game jams where you set rules people have to follow, but when you're tinkering and you need more pixels, and you can simply create more pixels out of thin air, a lot of the time you're just going to do that, because life is short. :P

Anyway, competition is good. I kinda feel like PICO-8 has gone stale. The changelogs don't have much of significance in them these days, and zep's pretty much running on radio silence from what I see. He could probably use a competitive kick in the butt to get things moving again.

All I want from a PICO-8 update is native binary support for Mac, Windows and Linux and the web player export to be the same as the BBS version. Zep manages that, I'm all good.

" The changelogs don't have much of significance in them these days"

He's getting awfully close to the fully complete 1.0 feature-set. I wouldn't expect it to change much after that. Staying stable is kind of the point of a fantasy console.

(Of course, the logical step after finishing Pico-8 would be to immediately start a Pico-16!)

I keep hoping to see stuff like a more current version of the lua parser, or miscellaneous quality-of-life things people ask for that are reasonable to add. An example of my own would be a CEI(x) function, rather than needlessly doing the -FLR(-x) workaround that just wastes programming time and code space. PICO-8 just doesn't feel done yet to me.

ive been wanting a pico-16 type console, this is more of a pico-32, ill take it.

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