Hey All! Pang is definitely my favourite arcade game, and so for my first ever game project, I figured I'd take a shot at replicating it. The result has been surprisingly good! Please check it out and leave feedback :)
The game is marked as WIP as I know of a couple of little bugs, and the 2 player mode has never been properly tested. Will update soon and incorporate any feedback that makes sense!
edit: removed disclaimer about 60fps limitations :)
Well, you are quite correct. It won't work in either browser I have. However, wouldn't you rather write games that reach a wider audience ?
I certainly would like to try out your creation in Google Chrome, for instance.
The issue lies with PICO-8 itself, v0.1.8 was the first version to support 60FPS, which in itself is an awesome change, but unfortunately isn't supported by the browser version of PICO-8 properly yet. Fingers crossed v0.1.9 fixes that issue :) The cart will work on the PC build though, and I was hoping it'd run on PocketCHIP, but I just found out today that it's still stuck on v0.1.7, which is pre-60FPS support. Come on updates!
Beta is always BAIT, or so I've heard. Best to stay with older stabler versions of any OS and reach a wider audience.
I went through my times of trying BETA and custom versions of BlitzMAX for instance. They all claimed to be better and faster - and all with disastrous results for hardcore programming.
Instead I stick with the version that is now a little over 5-years old - but works great for me and my code.
For private coding, sure - go and try and enjoy the beta versions. But for us, especially web surfers, leave us a piece of the pie so that we can enjoy it is all I ask. :)
I hear ya. All releases of PICO-8 is strictly Alpha at the moment, the v1.0 release isn't expected until later in the year. Hopefully these little issues get ironed out quickly!
I've heard good things about the v0.1.8 release for PocketCHIP though, sounds like it's coming out soon. Can't wait!
you can make it work by copy/pasting this in your carts:
function _update()_update60()_update_buttons()_update60()end |
you'll get _update() @60, _draw() @30
when every pico-8 version gets fixed, _update() will simply be ignored if there's _update60(), so your cart will still work as intended.
Thanks a lot for the advice ultrabrite, i've updated the cartridge and it now runs at 30FPS in browser :) Cheers!
Plays fine here ! I'm trying to remember if the original PANGO had the gun in the middle. Thereby when you launch a harpoon it comes from the center of the player, not left if you are facing left or right if you are facing right.
Also the bounce time is REALLY low. I know in the original PANG you had all kinds of times in the opening levels before the balls lost their sproing.
When you lose a life too, I don't think it started over. It would flash to show you back in the center with your new life and the balls frozen just where they are until you are playing again.
Hey, thanks for the comments. Original Pang has the gun to the side and swaps when you face the other way, it lets you shoot up the edge of a wall which would otherwise be impossible. The balls do bounce a bit slower in Pango than Pang, but i'm fine with that, it should hopefully make it easier than the arcade game which is designed to make you put more coins in :) Pang also restarts the level when you get hit, can't speak for the later games as they weren't my cup of tea. It's my preference, in some levels it gives you a chance to reconsider and come at it from a different angle, in others you might not want to respawn if you've accidentally hit the dynamite and have 20 small balls bouncing everywhere :)
here's my version: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3452
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