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I don't want it to clutter my desktop. Saving to the folder where carts reside in would be fine. And if zep is worried static screenshots could mistakenly show up in splore or whatever, due to Pico-8's palette they could be saved as static, single-frame GIFs.

If there's way to customize the location, then sorry but I don't know it.

According to the manual, the -desktop command line switch controls this.

If you started pico8 with this command, it would save screenshots to a different folder, I think.

pico8 -desktop c:/temp/ 

Should be a part of config file or default not being desktop to begin with.

dragging and dropping is too hard?


to clean up the desktop after using it as a temp storage, but im usually getting a bunch of screenshots and gifs, then deleting all but the one i need for a post

I have more shortcuts on my desktop than gifs. The thing is, I can't really remove them, because if I ever will uninstall some of the stuff I got there, uninstallers will complain.

fair enough

Add this line to the config file (config.txt)

desktop_path /home/youruser/yourdesiredscreenshotdirectory

The config file should be located at:

Windows: C:/Users/Yourname/AppData/Roaming/pico-8/
OSX: /Users/Yourname/Library/Application Support/pico-8/
Linux: ~/.lexaloffle/pico-8/

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