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PICO-8 allows 65536 characters, which on one hand is a tight limit for some projects. But, on the other hand, we've seen amazing things from Tweet jam in 140 characters or fewer.

That made me wonder...can a whole PICO-8 game be written in 1024 characters (1k)? There are some impressive JavaScript 1k demos. Let's see what we can do!


  1. Entire program source code lists as 1024 characters or fewer inside PICO-8, including comments.
  2. Must be a playable game, not just an animation.
  3. No limits on music, sprites, or map, since they don't count toward PICO-8's character limit.

Cart #40832 | 2017-05-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my PICO-1k jam entry. The entire source code is 1024 characters in PICO-8, including the comment at the top. Arrows to fly, button (z on keyboard) to fire.

a=48n=32k=64_={}camera(-k,-k)c=16x=0y=0t=0o=0g=0q,b,r,s,h=sqrt,btn,rnd,spr,sspr::a::l=t%8/4map(0,0,-k,-k,c,c)for j=3,k do
l=l<1o=max(o-1,0)f=b(4)and o<n
if f then m(r(3))o+=2
i=l and o>n and s(124,-k,-40,4,1)or h(0,56,min(o,n),6,-k,-a),l and t>650or h(a,n,n-t/n,8,n,-a)
if(i and x<c)x+=2 p=c
if(b(0)and-k<x)x-=2 p=c
if(b(2)and y<n)y+=1 p=k
if(b(3)and-n<y)y-=1 p=74
for e in all(_)do e.x+=e.d e.z+=.1 j=e.d<0w=88z=4/e.z
if(e.l==0or e.z>k)del(_,e)
if(e.l)e.l-=1 j=r(2)>1goto e
if(f and max(abs(u/z-e.x-21),abs(v/z-e.y-8))<8)e.l=8m(3)g+=.75
if(f and l)s(c,u*.9,v*z)s(17,u,y*z-5)z+=.1 s(38,x*z+10,y*z-2,2,1)z+=.1 s(46,x*z+14,y*z+1,2,1)
if(t<999)goto a
goto g

Here's the source with comments to make it more understandable:

-- top’burn
-- @casualeffects

-- a pico-8 game in 1024
-- characters (this is the
-- version with comments, which
-- is larger!)
-- common constants:
-- k   = 64
-- a   = 48
-- n   = 32
-- c   = 16
-- common functions:
-- q   = sqrt
-- b   = btn
-- s   = spr
-- h   = sspr
-- r   = rnd
-- m   = sfx
-- t   = timer (frame count)/fuel
-- x,y = plane position
-- z   = scale factor
-- _   = enemy array
-- p   = plane sprite index
-- i   = right button (during plane code)
-- j   = flip sprite left-right
-- o   = gun overheat status
-- f   = true if firing
-- u,v = reticle coords
-- e   = enemy
-- w   = enemy sprite y
-- l   = modulo counter (for background) and blink (for hud and bullets)
-- g   = kills
-- d   = temp var
-- enemies:
--  x,y,z = coords
--  l     = life
-- use 1<0 for "false" and 1>0 for "true"
-- use "p=a and b or c" for "if a then b else c"
-- any letter > f can be run against a number to start a new statement
-- += and single-line "if" require a newline

a=48n=32k=64_={}camera(-k,-k)c=16x=0y=0t=0o=0g=0q,b,r,s,h=sqrt,btn,rnd,spr,sspr::a::l=t%8/4map(0,0,-k,-k,c,c)for j=3,k do

-- hud
l=l<1o=max(o-1,0)f=b(4)and o<n
if f then m(r(3))o+=2
-- blinking gauges
p=l and o>n and s(124,-k,-40,4,1)or h(0,56,min(o,n),6,-k,-a),l and t>650or h(a,n,n-t/n,8,n,-a)

--player shadow + flying code
if(i and x<c)x+=2 p=c
if(b(0)and-k<x)x-=2 p=c
if(b(2)and y<n)y+=1 p=k
if(b(3)and-n<y)y-=1 p=74

-- plane shadow

for e in all(_)do e.x+=e.d e.z+=.1 j=e.d<0w=88z=4/e.z
if(e.l==0or e.z>k)del(_,e)
if(e.l)e.l-=1 j=r(2)>1goto e
-- explosion
if(f and max(abs(u/z-e.x-21),abs(v/z-e.y-8))<8)e.l=8m(3)g+=.75

-- new enemy

-- player reticle + bullets
if(f and l)s(c,u*.9,v*z)s(17,u,y*z-5)z+=.1 s(38,x*z+10,y*z-2,2,1)z+=.1 s(46,x*z+14,y*z+1,2,1)

-- player plane + kills
if(t<999)goto a
-- game over
goto g

As you can see, I took advantage of some funny aspects of the parser. Letters that unambiguously are not part of a hexadecimal number can be jammed right against a number to save the whitespace...except for += and similar operators, which oddly require a space at the end. Single-line IF statements require a newline at the end of course, but many other statements do not.

In a few places I used the fact that AND and OR operators can work with any value in PICO-8 to trigger sprite drawing only in certain circumstances.

The sprite sheet is specifically laid out to minimize the length of numbers needed and allow some funny math formulas to work. Unfortunately, I couldn't save enough characters to afford to play background music.

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