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Cart #39826 | 2017-04-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

a bootleg for Pico-8 I recently bought on my flea market.*
Enjoy the work that the Chinese people did reskinning kometbomb's Pico Racer.**

    • not actually on sale anywhere
      ** - not made by Chinese people

Oh no!() My gamedev career is being ruined()() by the Chinese()()() game industry()()()().

* Awesome!
** validated
*** not actually Chinese
**** filthy bootleggers

Found this on Splore by accident, thanks for the laugh! :)


It's only a matter of time until one of those sketchy consoles you only find at flea-markets is made loaded with PICO8 bootlegs instead of NES bootlegs.

Really looking forward to adding that to my collection of sketchy not-quite-legal game consoles.

apLundell, if bootleggers do end up using PICO8 to make bootlegs, either they will or not get sued uploading games to the public that is copyright infringement.

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