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Hello everybody! I normally use Gamemaker Studio but my graphics card crapped out on me and I only have a Linux laptop as a backup which Gamemaker Studio doesn't run on. Fortunately, Pico-8 does run on Linux! I've owned Pico-8 for a while but never really used it so I figured this was a better time than any and I'm pretty glad I did now. This program has really made me appreciate the Lua programming language. It's super simple to use and learn. Over the past few days I put together a simple starter project that lets you not worry about the boring stuff and just jump straight into making your game. The only thing I didn't write myself is the insert function which is edited from Adam Scott's "Missing Built-ins" extension.

-Sprite animations
-Sprite origins
-Automatic depth sorting
-Mouse support

-Integrate map editor
-Collision system
-more to come? we'll see.

Online Demo

I tried to add a cart to this test so you could check it out but it only works when I first upload and preview it. Once I hit submit, something goes wrong and it fails to load the cart. If anybody could help me understand why, I would appreciate it.

I made a github page to see the demo without any mouse issues.


hi linux friend!

if you love lua, you might also take a look at https://love2d.org/

I just added mouse support to the framework. Just enable it by setting game.mouse.enabled to true. The documentation has been updated on the Github page. Collisions now? lol who knows.

@sax3 Sorry I'm not sure how I missed your comment. Thanks for the tip. That looks interesting but I really like the all in one package that comes with Pico.

Anybody know why this isn't working on the actual post but it works fine in the preview when I'm editing the post?

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