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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to quickly share some pico8 tooling for visual studio code I wrote up. It's published at pico8-vscode.

Here's a mini screencast of it in action

Hope you find it useful. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in with more pico8 dev now I've got my tools working nice.


Thank you... works fine!

Hey this is really great! I discovered on Windows, win+r is a system shortcut that opens the windows run dialog. I was reading through the docs and it looks like the build shortcut is the best option to run pico files, but this extension doesn't do anything there. So I came up with this task to do it:

    // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "command": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PICO-8\\pico8.exe",
    "isShellCommand": true,
    "args": ["-run", "${relativeFile}", "-home", "${workspaceRoot}"],
    "showOutput": "always",
    "echoCommand": true,

Unfortunately, I have a couple problems with this. #1, I can't see any output on the command line with printh(), and if I save my file in pico, it saves it to the default home folder, instead of what's specified in the config here. Anybody have any insight on what might be causing those problems?

I just changed the "pico8.executablePath" in ".vscode\extensions\johob.pico8-vscode-0.0.1\package.json" and added in keybindings.json the following:

    "key": "f5",
    "command": "pico8.run",
    "when": "editorTextFocus"

If printh would write directly into the VSCode output window, that would be great

Yep that works for me! Unfortunately, it still doesn't save from pico to the working directory, but instead the normal pico directory. I wonder if there's a bug with the -home switch.


Ok I found the problem, in the config.txt there are settings that specify the working directories. I found if I deleted the config then it regenerated and everything works as expected, except the printh issue of course :(

I'm really sad, because I spent an entire hour trying to setup that Visual Studio extension :/ The PATH is set but when i'm trying a simple "hello world", i can't even launch the pico console :(

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