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The Next Thing Co forum has a great thread on how to add a VNC(VPN) client to your PocketCHIP, allowing you to connect and control things remotely from your desktop.


I followed the steps in the thread and it works great. I can now run PocketCHIP install Pico8 on my desktop and do everything I need...mouse even works! I'm not a Linux master by any stretch, so whenever something works as listed, I get excited.

So if you're looking to debug your games on the PocketCHIP without having to constantly switch between devices, this is a nifty way to do it. It doesn't solve the problem/annoyance of having to copy files over to the PocketCHIP but I'm guessing a little network share install would solve that - I'm gonna try that next to see.

Especially since the PocketCHIP version of Pico-8 is way back at 0.1.7, it's getting more difficult to ensure our games actually run on the flagship device (which is a bummer).

As I was playing around, installed openssh which allows for SSH terminal but also SFTP. So while it's not as handy as a network share or anything, I can now SFTP into my PocketCHIP to transfer files...which is better than using git like I was before (I think).

So my Pico8 workflow is now: Desktop code+test > FTP to PocketCHIP > Test on PocketCHIP

I gave up on trying to get Samba to work on the PocketCHIP, btw. I got it to recognize in Windows but couldn't get permissions figured out

I have a PocketCHIP as well, and my dev cycle is so:

prep: install openssh-server and tmux

1) ssh into the PocketCHIP from my desktop
2) run tmux on the PocketCHIP so that the DISPLAY variable is set easily
3) connect to the PocketCHIP with gvfs (or you could use WinSCP on windows I guess?)
4) edit the file on my desktop
5) open up a terminal and ssh into the PocketCHIP
6) tmux a in the term to connect to the PocketCHIP session
7) run 0.1.7 (or 0.1.9b right off the PocketCHIP with the right SDL settings)
8) test etc

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