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Hey! I accidentally saved a random small project over this one I'd been working on for a while now, is there a way to recover that file from before it got overwritten? I do keep back-ups, but I will loose some nice valley scenery I had yet to back-up if I can't recover the file from before the accidental overwrite... :(

If you saved the same name, there's an outstanding chance it's gone for good.

You can do what I do, I save filenames and include the date alongside, I.E.:

SAVE PROJECT(10-09-16)

As it is, I may have many MANY individual files with dates attached to the end of them, but at the same time, I lose no more than one day's work.

A good habit to fall into, Rumble.

Indeed! I do usually do a back-up after every day of work/notable architectural completion, it's just that I went to save this random idea out of habit and forgot that the save menu shows my big project by default and saved over it... :(
I only asked hopefully because the .bak file that goes along with it still takes up way more KB than the new, overwritten .png file...

Thanks for the reply though! :)

If you have a .BAK file and it appears differently than your original file. I would duplicate the BAK. Usually just a CTRL-C and CTRL-V in a filer will do.

Then CAREFULLY rename the .BAK file to a new file like "recover" and change the extension to match the programming language you are using. If it's PICO, for instance, then rename it to ".p8" or "p8.png" depending upon whether your original program was saved either way.

That MIGHT be a recovery for you. If not, no worries. You have made an additional backup of the BAK with no harm - no foul.



Thank you so much for the suggestion dw! You're awesome! :)

Glad to help, RC. Work half as hard and backup twice as often. :)

Take care ...

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