haha good work. I noticed that bug but didn't have time to fix :)

Ah, a nice relaxing dream. I'm here with my G/F, we're going to have a nice picnic, here comes the teddy bear parade when ...
Auuugh ! What the hell !? I'm falling and ... are those ... spikes ? I'm falling onto SPIKES ? This ain't no dream, it's a nightmare ! Well, at least I'll hit the ground soon.
I will hit it won't I ?
(deep evil laughter), "IT'S BOTTOMLESS, BOY !"
"Auuugh ! Spikes, why does it always have to be SPIKES !?"

What an incredible cart. Unity. Looks different than flash. And yes, lots of snakes in that room ! :D

Fun little idea. I really like the music - it deserves to be fleshed out. Also, you may need to do something with object placement - I ran into a situation which looks unbeatable.

pala: thanks for playing :) the placement is random so yes, you can get into an unwinnable situation. Perhaps it would be cool to fix that...

$1, how about increasing the speed with higher levels but always maintain a 'safety' margin of placing obstacles ?
Run the game and add some debug code to make it execute slowly. Then put it at a really high level - and see if you can avoid all the objects for a prolonged time.
If you can, your game should be finished w no more errors or 'impossible' levels. :)
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