Saw a squash tutorial on picozine 1 and
decided to toy with the options

It's pong. Now for a challenge, make a computer controlled player and possibly add the 'original' controls where the player could put English on the ball in mid-flight.
I haven't seen anyone to date do this.

I mean, it's really squash, as you play against yourself :v
But yeah, it's not a real challenge or anything, just my first time doing something with the console, based on the tutorial

I'm currently making an enhanced version of squashy (you can see it on my profile). I was wondering, which part of your code made it so the ball bounced at angles? I'm new to coding so my current system just has a circle and a rectangle and when they collide, the ball y direction just reverses (and also speeds up a little). It would be very helpful.

@shawneeboy - I solved it by using a pitagoran therum. It is not the most sophisticated solution, but it worked for a noob coder like me.
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