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Welcome to the ultimate collab experience, the Pico8-Collab16 Cart!

This is a "game jam" of sorts, to make a pico8 cart with sixteen (16) games in it by multiple developers!

We have a channel on the Pico8 discord for anyone who is looking for help or coordinate. Check out the #pico8-collab16 channel. Here is an invite: https://discord.gg/Dut34b3

Cart #28648 | 2016-09-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


To contribute please select:

  • 1 (one) graphic section (e.g. graphic section M)
  • 1 (one) sprite logo (e.g. sprite logo 4)
  • 4 sfx banks (e.g. 0..4)
  • 4 audio banks (e.g. 5..8)
  • 1 cart data section

Your game may have up to:

  • 512 tokens
  • 4096 characters (only use pico8 upper case, real lower case, for compression reasons)

It must be in this format:

mygamename = {
  name = "My amazing game", -- self explanitory!
  author = "josefnpat", -- It's you!
  _init = function(self,..) end, -- optional
  _draw = function(self,..) self.foo() end, -- optional
  _update = function(self,..) end, -- optional
  foo = function(self,..) end, -- optional

Games will be called somewhat like this:

function _init()
  game._init(game) -- e.g. game:_init()
function _update()
  game._update(game) -- e.g. game:_update()
function _draw()
  game._draw(game) -- e.g. game:_draw()

I will make a game as well, and ensure that there is a menu for all the games with my tokens/characters.

You may:

  • Modify the entire canvas in code (since the cart will have to be reset for new game)
  • Use other people's GRAPHIC, SFX and AUDIO and sections for your own game
  • Forfeit your Tokens, Characters, GRAPHIC, SFX and AUDIO sections for others to use.

You may not:

  • Make something that is not a game!
  • Have too much fun


  • Once there are 16 game developers entered, developers may request the remaining GRAPHICS. This memory may be claimed one plot at a time (e.g. one graphic section, 8x SFX, 8x AUDIO)
  • Developers who do not deliver in a timely matter will be removed, and their spot will be offered to other game developers.
  • The game will be built on the fly, even if there aren't 16 developers.
  • If I'm screwing this up majorly, please tell me. I'm open to ideas!
  • Menu icon is 8x8!


1 .. josefnpat .. 512/4096 ✓
2 .. met .. 512/4096 ✓
3 .. somnule .. 512/4096 ✓
4 .. felixmreeve .. 512/4096 ✓
5 .. cheepicus .. 512/4096 ✓
6 .. misato .. 512/4096 ✓
7 .. Liquidream .. 512/4096 ✓
8 .. dollarone .. 512/4096 ✓
9 .. ElGregos .. 512/4096 ✓
10 .. johanp .. 512/4096 ✓
11 .. hcnt .. 512/4096 ✓
12 .. drcode .. 512/4096 ✓
13 .. gamax92 .. 512/4096 ✓
14 .. HotSoup .. 512/4096 ✓
15 .. seleb .. 512/4096 ✓
16 .. catnipped .. 512/4096 ✓

Backup list:

  • RhythmLynx
  • mimick
  • adrian09_01
  • ultrabrite


1 .. josefnpat
2 .. met
3 .. somnule
4 .. felixmreeve
5 .. cheepicus
6 .. misato
7 .. Liquidream
8 .. dollarone
9 .. ElGregos
10 .. johanp
11 .. hcnt
12 .. drcode
13 .. gamax92
14 .. HotSoup
15 .. seleb
16 .. catnipped

A .. josefnpat
B .. met
C .. somnule
D .. felixmreeve
E .. cheepicus
F .. misato
G .. Liquidream
H .. dollarone
I .. ElGregos
J .. johanp
K .. seleb
L .. hcnt
M .. drcode
N .. gamax92
O .. HotSoup
P .. catnipped
Q .. ____
R .. ____
S .. ____
T .. ____
U .. ____
V .. ____
W .. ____


0..3 .. josefnpat/gamax92
4..7 .. met
8..11 .. somnule (1 free!)
12..15 .. felixmreeve
16..19 .. cheepicus
20..23 .. misato
24..27 .. Liquidream
28..31 .. dollarone
32..35 .. ElGregos
36..39 .. johanp
40..43 .. seleb
44..47 .. hcnt
48..51 .. drcode
52..55 .. gamax92
56..59 .. HotSoup
60..63 .. catnipped


0..3 .. gamax92
4..7 .. met
8..11 .. ____
12..15 .. felixmreeve
16..19 .. cheepicus
20..23 .. misato
24..27 .. Liquidream
28..31 .. dollarone
32..35 .. ElGregos
36..39 .. johanp
40..43 .. seleb
44..47 .. hcnt
48..51 .. drcode
52..55 .. gamax92
56..59 .. HotSoup
60..63 .. catnipped


0..3 .. josefnpat
4..7 .. met
8..11 .. somnule
12..15 .. felixmreeve
16..19 .. cheepicus
20..23 .. misato
24..27 .. Liquidream
28..31 .. dollarone
32..35 .. ElGregos
36..39 .. johanp
40..43 .. seleb
44..47 .. hcnt
48..51 .. drcode
52..55 .. gamax92
56..59 .. HotSoup
60..63 .. catnipped


Sign me up my dude.

Menu sprite 2, Graphics B, SFX 4-7, Audio 4-7
Might need some extra SFX/Audio space for my idea but I'll see what I can manage.

Ooh, I'm down.

@somnule - I'll just pick some for you :)

I'll give it a shot, what do we need to do now?

Hey sign me up please for one of each slot :)

edit: vvvvv woohoo!!

@felixmreeve - make a cart with all your stuff in the assigned place, then post it. I'll put it all together!

@cheepicus - awesome! Got you!

I also want to participate :)

@misato Got you! Thanks!

Sounds cool, nice one - count me in! :D

Is there any particular theme to aim for or just anything we want?

super cool idea! count me in!

@Liquidream - No theme this time around. If this ends up being good, maybe next time? Added you, thanks!

@dollarone - Got you!

Hi, very nice idea! I have some questions though:

  • I'm quite new on Pico-8 (born 2 weeks ago) and have not made anything yet, but I'm working on it with enough fun and confidence. Can I join in?
  • What is the deadline, if there's one?
  • Probably because of my Pico youth, I don't quite understand the picture below the cart. Does it mean each of us can draw up to 16 sprites? Sprites are on the upper bank, maps on the lower bank, with H-O letters for shared memory? P-W letters are for maps only, and 8 of us can pick a part of this map memory? If I'm not wrong the reserved map memory size, in sprites, is 128x32. So each of those 8 parts cover 32x16 sprites? I know, that's a lot of questions, but that part confuses me.

I'm in! Add me to whatever slot you want!

This sounds cool, sign me up! Can I have slot 15?

If there's enough tokens left over at the end, you potentially add a way to get back to the menu from a game (e.g. using the "enter" menu or reserving a key combination like Z+X).

I also would love to participate.

Sign me up!

I suppose I'll try something for this, sign me up

I'll try to make something too. Something so tiny will be a good change and force me to make something that just works.

So do we make our game as a separate cart and then send it in to be "compiled" into the one, or are we passing around some sort file? Just want to know if I can start now or if I have to wait.

Also, should we prefix our other functions? We could used the assigned letter and there will be no clashes.

Re-reading this all again and just kind of confused about what "graphic section" means. Say I get graphic section M...how do I know where that is in the sprite editor?

I'm confused about graphic sections too.
'upper bank' looks like regular sprite mem, but what about P-W, they would be in map zone.
are you going to move memory around ?

also why not have sections as lines of 16 sprites ?
might be easier to use contiguous sprite numbers in each game.
edit: of course one might want sprites taller than 8. duh.


> Can I join in?

Of course you can! Confidence is a good thing! I've added you to the list!

> What is the deadline, if there's one?

No deadline really, this is going to be more of a flowing process, but I do reserve the right to impose deadlines. I want to get this out at some point!

> Does it mean each of us can draw up to 16 sprites?

> Sprites are on the upper bank, maps on the lower bank, with H-O letters for shared memory?

That's right

> P-W letters are for maps only, and 8 of us can pick a part of this map memory?

So yes, P-W are for maps only, but if you don't want your memory as a map, you just copy it over to a sprite section, and vice-versa of course. This is why I'm offering for folks to choose where they want the memory.

> If I'm not wrong the reserved map memory size, in sprites, is 128x32.

The reserved map memory size is 128x128 with the lower half being shared with the sprite memory.

> So each of those 8 parts cover 32x16 sprites? I know, that's a lot of questions, but that part confuses me.

I've updated the image in the description. Tell me if this helps! Please tell me if you still want to participate.

@johanp Awesome!

@seleb Done!

> If there's enough tokens left over at the end, you potentially add a way to get back to the menu from a game (e.g. using the "enter" menu or reserving a key combination like Z+X).

We'll have to see what happens, haha!

@hcnt Sweeet <3

@drcode You're in!

@gamax92 Rock on!

@morningtoast awesome!

>So do we make our game as a separate cart and then send it in to be "compiled" into the one, or are we passing around some sort file? Just want to know if I can start now or if I have to wait.

Just submit a cart - I'll take care of the compilation.


>Also, should we prefix our other functions? We could used the assigned letter and there will be no clashes.

If you keep everything in your game object (e.g. gamename.foo()) and operate via the self object that will be passed through the update which you can access self.foo() and any variables you pass through. See the code examples. If it's still confusing, please tell me!


>Re-reading this all again and just kind of confused about what "graphic section" means. Say I get graphic section M...how do I know where that is in the sprite editor?

As I mentioned to @ElGregos (as he had this same confusion), if you choose sections P through W, you will have to copy it from map memory to the sprite memory. I am hoping at least two folks will volunteer for this section.


I've updated the graphic so it makes more sense! Also, thanks for answering your own question :)

Also, we have a channel on the Pico8 discord for anyone who is looking for help or coordinate. Check out the #pico8-collab16 channel. Here is an invite: https://discord.gg/rQXJU

Thanks for the answers @josefnpat and to make it sure: yes, I'm still in!

Pinging @josefnpat for a spot!

@HotSoup you're in! Warning, you're using a map area, so you'll probably have to copy it to a sprite section if you want to use sprites!

@josefnpat Wait, am I "O"? If so, that's still in the spritemap.

i want that last spot of it's still available :*

This is either gonna be really good or really bad. Following this either way.


Cart #27812 | 2016-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I've got my game finished

EDIT: Updated to reflect the trade and new music.

@HotSoup - oops, my bad. You're right!

@catnipped - You've got it! Your graphic section is in the map - keep that in mind!


@gamax92 sweet

Ok, round two for remaining graphics. Feel free to claim them one at a time!

Trading sfx"1" and sfx"3" along with my music sections to @gamax92

I have finished my game with the remaining tokens left over from the menu.

I also have two extra sprites that I havent' used, a coin and a ghost:

I have also added @gamax92's game!

Cart #27814 | 2016-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I would like to note, the top half of gamax92's sprite sheet is available!

Added @seleb's game!

just wanted to point out what seleb did, calling run() (i think) to reset the cart from within. smooth!

also as a player I'd like a fast 'retry', maybe just storing the last game selected would do the trick?
(game over->press a key->run()->press o)

  • some interface guidelines, like using button glyphs as oppsed to z/x x/c c/v or what have you. and deciding which button is 'select',etc.

as a dev, I hope I'll participate next time. keep up the good work!


>also as a player I'd like a fast 'retry', maybe just storing the last game selected would do the trick?
(game over->press a key->run()->press o)

I like this idea. We'll see what tokens we have left over at the end!

>+ some interface guidelines, like using button glyphs as oppsed to z/x x/c c/v or what have you. and deciding which button is 'select',etc.

This would be a good idea as well. Thanks!

"Developers who do not deliver in a timely matter will be removed, and their spot will be offered to other game developers."

I'd like to join if a space opens up! Cool idea and thanks for organising, good luck everyone


Finished my game!

The bottom half of my sprites, as well as my music slots and 1 SFX slot, are free.

@RhythmLynx Totally! Just keep up to date with the thread or the discord!

@somnule Awesome! I've added it to the current version!


Cart #27880 | 2016-09-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It's a masterpiece

@Met awesome! Added your game!

i think i have an idea for my game. gonna see if i can reuse as many of the other's sprites as possible, so i'm gonna have to update my game as the other's are finished :)

@catnipped Ha! That's a clever (sneaky?) idea... :D


I wanted to make a game with the same conditions as the collab16 but I still have too many token, it's so close to the 512! :(

Cart #27896 | 2016-09-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I used my remaining tokens to squeeze in some polish and a high score:

Cart #27899 | 2016-09-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I'll take one graphic section! I would have taken a game section too but it seems I'm a bit late for that! :s Oh well, make cool games everyone!!

@catnipped Sounds good!

@Liquidream you can also use other people's sfx, music and functions!

@mimick Nice! There's a good chance you can save a few tokens by removing the update/draw/init stuff, since it will be part of the menu. I will add you and your game to the backup list!

@seleb Updated your game! See v5.1

@TRASEVOL_DOG neat - If you like, I can add you to the backup list, in case folks drop out.

edit: moved backup list to OP


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