Couple people asked about how I did sprite rotation for josefnpat's collab cart
Included is a sprite rotation function, and a way of layering them on top of each other to create an illusion of a 3d sprite.
Everything is commented, hopefully it's clear.
Enjoy, hope this is helpful for someone!
(the effect isn't perfect and can be a little unclear if you don't consider it when drawing sprites, if anyone has any more accurate examples of rotation functions I'd like to see!)
neat! and as good as you can get imho.
tried optimizing/rewriting rotsprite, stat(1) went from 0.36 to 0.30 on your cart:
just found out I had this optimized further but didn't update here:
not out of the box dw, also this works on single sprites (8x8).
sizes are hardcoded, but should be 'easily' adapted.
if somebody needs help about that, I can have a look, but I won't right now ;)
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