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Cart #14814 | 2015-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I made this program for a contest on CodeWalrus

The contest rules were to make something fun in <= 140 chars or tokens.


up+down: change bar size
left+right: change speed


Heh, so now we are tweeting our code, huh? Cool demo, by the way.

I didn't looked at every entry I got for that contest, but I would say it is a pretty good contender.

Looks like the Mario Maker 'course complete' menu. Huh.

Might be an interesting cavern to traverse provided the Sinusoids can make very narrow passages and change its opening from top to bottom.

@zhbrzgx: That was actually the inspiration for it.

There's one thing I'm wondering, Ivoah. Why are the pixels so big ? This is actually on a smaller scale than 128x128, yes ?

@dw817: The up and down keys change the size.

Thanks, Ivoah. Not so much change the size but the granularity of the render. I see it's using full pixels now.

This is kinda hypnotic...

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