UPDATE! I added a score, made the level a bit cooler and just made it more to my likings.
This is just some kind of stupid little thing i did to help familirase myself with the pico-8. My inspiration was mostly the fact that i find dark winters scary and also the name of the fake company I made (with a fantasy console might as well make a fantasy company as well) called Eldritch Games.
Thanks a lot to Ivoah for providing me with the beautiful snow coding and to the lexaloffle guys for Jelpi itself.
Hopefully my next game isnt the equivalent of a shitpost.
~things im planning to add~
cutscene when score reaches 0
*title screen
Neat little recoding of Jelpi.
You might be interested in https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2213 which is about making boot screens for company logos.
Did you change the jump physics? I can't seem to get on top of the roof to get those 4 skulls up there.
Too bad you can't get the score all the way down, I really wanted to see the cutsiene
Neat little re-skin, would you mind if I use the jelpi sprite?
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