A cool gladiator-style level with a progress bar.
The key to wining this map is finishing off each wave as quickly as possible. Each wave is assigned to a timestamp, so if you take too long, the next wave can be a stack of several waves of enemies. Also the sword is extremely useful in the last two fights.
I think the editor need some kind of specific wave-mechanic. But maybe I'm doing it wrong. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Beautiful level, and really fun
I played it a couple of times and got 1902 / 66% / 1:38
There isn't an explicit way to do waves, but if you want to avoid overlapping waves:
create a single monster a moment (or another object) before the start of the next wave which has the STOP property enabled, and triggered by NOMON. The timeline will pause at the object until all of the previous monsters are dead.
To check it, you can view the timeline while playing by pressing shift-P instead of P to play the level.

Ah, I didn't really understand the stop property before, but now it makes sense. So many possibilities.
Awesome game, dude.

Ah, so that's why sometimes a wave has a TON of enemies in it! Anyway, fun level, almost like a different mode. Even fun to play through a few times.
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