My first Pico-8 game, a classic snake game.
Eat as much pellets as you can without crashing into the wall or yourself.
Use cursor keys for menu selection and to move the snake.
Press X to select menu option and to pause the game.
The level selects the speed of the game (From 1 - slowest to 10 - fastest) and the amount of points you get per pellet eaten.
Game modes:
Classic - Play the selected level until game over.
Arcade - Level will increase every 10 pellets eaten until level 10 or game over.
Classic/Arcade Pro - As above. Additionally the snake will not pause for a brief period before hitting a wall/snake, but controlling the snake is more direct.
The high score for each level and game mode is saved on the Pico-8.
Nice implementation!
Cute graphics.
One small thing that would be a nice change is having the game queue up button presses, so that on lower speeds it's easier to make complicated maneuvers without having to time your button presses.
Just make the max queue 2 presses so that it's easier to do a U turn.
Thanks for checking out my game. :)
Try out the Pro mode, where every direction change is executed immediately. That makes executing complex maneuvers quicker.
It's true, in the other mode you need a good rhythm for button presses.
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